Issuing and accepting access permits
To ensure that work is carried out safely, qualified personnel must be authorized to issue and accept access permits. You also select qualified personnel to do the tasks that are associated with access permits.
About this task
When you assign personnel to issue and accept an access permit, the permit must be in draft status. Your administrator can use the options in the Organizations application to specify whether the same person can issue and accept an access permit.
- In the People application, on the Details tab, use the Authorized Issuing Authority checkbox and the Authorized Performing Authority checkbox to assign issuing and acceptance permissions to the people.
- In the Access Permits application, select the access permit that you want to issue.
- Ensure that the permit is in draft status, and open the Issue and Acceptance tab.
- In the Issue table, specify the issuing authority. After you issue an access permit, the issuing authority marks that as issued.
- In the Acceptance table, specify the performing
authority. After you accept an access permit, the performing authority marks that as accepted.
- In case site checks or countersignatures are essential, specify the relevant people in the Multiple Site Checks table and the Countersignatures table.
- Save the record.