User management

In Maximo Application Suite, entitlements and access levels are used to control user roles and general access to individual applications or industry solutions. As an application administrator, you use security groups to control the aspects of Maximo Health, Maximo Predict, or Health and Predict - Utilities that users can access after they are granted an entitlement and access level.

In the Security Groups application, you can review and add members to security groups. To add a user to a security group, in the security group, open the Users tab and add a row for that user to the table. In the Users application, ensure that the user can access at least one site and has a default insert site. For more information about the Users application or the Security Groups application, see the Users application or the Security Groups application documentation.


If you are using the LDAP user registry with Maximo Application Suite, you must manually create security groups and add users to those groups in the LDAP system.

Synchronize a user registry that includes user groups after you determine the mapping of the user groups to application or industry solution security groups. Configure the synchronization of that information in Maximo Application Suite. Groups are not visible in Maximo Application Suite. The information is synchronized to the application or industry solution. All existing users in a security group are replaced by synchronized users that map to that group. Users might be added or removed from a group. Users in security groups must be valid users of the application or industry solution.

Entitlement and access levels

To be members of a security group, users must have entitlement and an access level for the related application or industry solution in Maximo Application Suite.

If Maximo Health is deployed as part of Maximo Manage, to grant access to Maximo Health, grant users access to the Maximo Manage with Maximo Health application. After the users are granted access, in Maximo Manage, in the Security Groups application, add users to Maximo Health security groups.

After, user records and security groups are shared between the two applications. For example, if you update a user record in Maximo Manage, the user record that is accessible from Maximo Health is also updated.

If Maximo Health is not deployed as part of Maximo Manage, you can grant access directly to Maximo Health.

By default, granting access to Maximo Predict or Health and Predict - Utilities automatically grants access to Maximo Health and adds the user to Maximo Health security groups, even if Maximo Health is deployed as part of Maximo Manage.

For more information about entitlements and access levels, see Managing users for your version of Maximo Application Suite.

Common security groups

The following table describes security groups that exist for Maximo Health, Maximo Predict, and Health and Predict - Utilities.

Table 1. Common security groups
Security group Description
HEALTHINTEGRATION Members can use REST APIS to access the enterprise asset management (EAM) system integration components.

Members can access all options in the navigation menu and features in the application or industry solution, which includes Application administration. Members can also access the applications in the Application administration Start Center and can use REST APIs to access the EAM system integration components.

The following entitlement and access is required for a user to be added to the MAXADMIN security group:
Maximo Health
Administrative entitlement and access to Maximo Health or administrative access to Manage with Health, if Maximo Health is deployed as part of Maximo Manage.
Maximo Predict
Administrative entitlement and access to Maximo Predict. Granting this administrator entitlement and access automatically grants administrator entitlement and access to Maximo Health or Manage with Health, if Maximo Health is deployed as part of Maximo Manage.
Health and Predict - Utilities
Administrative entitlement and access to Health and Predict - Utilities. Granting this administrator entitlement and access automatically grants administrator entitlement and access to Maximo Predict and Maximo Health or Manage with Health, if Maximo Health is deployed as part of Maximo Manage.

The MAXADMIN user is a default internal user and is automatically a member of the MAXADMIN security group.

Maximo Health user management

If Maximo Health is deployed as part of Maximo Manage, when a user is granted access to Manage with Health, the user is automatically added to the NEWUSERGROUP and ALLUSERGROUP security groups in Maximo Manage. To grant access to Maximo Health, you must add the user to a Maximo Health security group.

If Maximo Health is not deployed as part of Maximo Manage, when users are granted an entitlement and access to Maximo Health, the users are added to some security groups by default. You can change which security groups users are automatically added to by opening the Application administration Start Center, selecting the System Properties application, and then updating the Current Value field for the system property. Changes to the property do not affect users who are already granted an entitlement and access to the application.

The following table describes the Maximo Health security groups:

Table 2. Maximo Health security groups
Security group Description
HEALTH Members can access Assets, Locations, and Work queues from the navigation menu.
HEALTHSCORING Members can access Scoring from the navigation menu.

Maximo Predict user management

By default, when users are granted an entitlement and access level for Maximo Predict, users are added to the HEALTH, HEALTHSCORING, PREDICT, and PREDICTGROUPING security groups.

You can change which security groups users are automatically added to by opening the Application administration Start Center, selecting the System Properties application, and then updating the Current Value field for the mxe.defaultgroup.predict.user system property. Changes to the property do not affect users who are already granted an entitlement and access to the application.

The following table describes the Maximo Predict security groups. The HEALTH and HEALTHSCORING security groups grant general access. The PREDICT and PREDICTGROUPING security groups grant access to Maximo Predict features. Ensure that your data scientists are members of the PREDICT and PREDICTGROUPING security groups.

Table 3. Maximo Predict security groups
Security group Description
PREDICT Members can access Maximo Predict columns from the Assets table and the Prediction section for assets, which contains the results of the predictive models.
PREDICTGROUPING Members can access Predict grouping from the navigation menu.

Health and Predict - Utilities user management

By default, when users are granted an entitlement and access level for Health and Predict - Utilities, users are added to the HEALTH, HEALTHSCORING, PREDICT, PREDICTGROUPING, EU, and EUSCORING security groups.

You can change which security groups users are automatically added to by opening the Application administration Start Center, selecting the System Properties application, and then updating the Current Value field for the mxe.defaultgroup.hputilities.user system property. Changes to the property do not affect users who are already granted an entitlement and access to the industry solution.

The following table describes the Health and Predict - Utilities security groups. The HEALTH and HEALTHSCORING security groups grant general access. The PREDICT and PREDICTGROUPING security groups grant access to prediction features. The EU and EUSCORING security groups grant access to Health and Predict - Utilities features. Ensure that your data scientists are members of the PREDICT and PREDICTGROUPING security groups.

Table 4. Health and Predict - Utilities security groups
Security group Description
EU Members can access Health and Predict - Utilities columns from the Assets and Locations tables.
EUSCORING Members can access advanced scoring features, such as connecting scoring groups to IBM Watson® Studio notebooks.