Troubleshooting monitoring issues

Enable debug mode for Prometheus. If the data source connection is not working in Grafana, you can reset the value for the authentication header.

  • Enable the debug mode in the config.yaml file in user-workload-monitoring-config configmap.
        logLevel: debug
  • Check the data source connection in Grafana. If you see any issue with the metrics in the Grafana chart, reset the value for the authentication header to BEARER_TOKEN.
    1. To reset the value in Grafana, from the side navigation menu, click Configuration.
    2. Click the Data Sources tab and then click Add data source.
    3. Click Reset and provide a valid value. For more information, see Installing and configuring Grafana.
    4. Click Save & Test.

For more information, see Troubleshooting monitoring issues in the Red Hat OpenShift documentation.