Consignment items

Consignment items are owned by external vendors. The consignment items are located in a local storeroom, and are considered part of the consignment inventory. You can keep consignment items in your storeroom, and pay for those types of items when you use them.

When you create an item, you can specify the item as a consignment item. Rotating items and condition-enabled items cannot be flagged as consignment items.

Invoices for consignment items are generated in any of the following ways:
An invoice is generated automatically when the item is consumed from the storeroom.
If invoices are based on a frequency, then the product-provided cron task (ConsignmentInvoiceCronTask) evaluates consignment items to be processed. The frequency and units specified for the inventory record are used to determine the next invoice date. The cron task is set to run daily, unless you specify another value. A single invoice that contains up to the maximum number of lines is created for each vendor. You use the Organizations application to set the maximum number of lines on consignment invoices.
You generate an invoice manually.