Configuring the application server

To customize IBM® WebSphere® Application Server Liberty, you can apply custom configurations when you activate Maximo® Manage.

About this task

You can add custom server properties for the application server in XML format when you configure Maximo Manage. The customizations are applied when Maximo Manage is activated.

When you add application server customizations, ensure that your content conforms to the requirements for adding configuration to server XML files. The rules are provided in the WebSphere Application Server Liberty documentation.

The custom configurations are applied to the server-custom.xml that is used for the Maximo Manage pods and are included in the server.xml as additional configuration. Administrators can view the server-custom.xml file in the OpenShift® console on the Terminal tab for the pod. After deployment, the file is located in the /config/manage/serverxml directory.


  1. Log in to Maximo Application Suite as a system administrator.
  2. From the catalog, on the Applications tab, select the Manage tile.
  3. On the application details page, click Actions and select Configure workspace.
  4. In the Server bundles section of the deployment window, in the Additional properties column for the server bundle that you want to configure, click View.
  5. In the Route subdomain field of the Additional server bundle properties window, specify the subdomain for the server bundle that you want to configure.
  6. In the Additional server config field, enter your custom server properties, as shown in the following example:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <server description="new server">
    	<logging traceSpecification="JMSApi=all:WAS.j2c=all"/> 
    		<variable name="wmqJmsClient.rar.location" value="${wlp.install.dir}/../wmq/wmq.jmsra.rar"/>
    	<!--containerAuthData id="auth1" user="maximomif" password="xxxx"/-->
    	<jmsConnectionFactory jndiName="jms/maximo/int/cf/intcf" connectionManagerRef="MIFJMS">
    	<connectionManager id="MIFJMS" maxPoolSize="20"/>
    	<jmsQueue id="sqout" jndiName="jms/maximo/int/queues/sqout">
          <properties.wmqJms baseQueueName="sqout" baseQueueManagerName="LIBERTYMANAGER"/>
    	<jmsQueue id="sqin" jndiName="jms/maximo/int/queues/sqin">
          <properties.wmqJms baseQueueName="sqin" baseQueueManagerName="LIBERTYMANAGER"/>
    	<jmsQueue id="jms/maximo/int/queues/cqin" jndiName="jms/maximo/int/queues/cqin">
          <properties.wmqJms baseQueueName="cqin" baseQueueManagerName="LIBERTYMANAGER"/>
  7. Save your changes.
  8. After you complete all your configuration changes, click Activate.