You can create new surveys and manage existing surveys, then send these surveys to users for their responses.
Use the Surveys application to:
- Create surveys
- View surveys
- Modify surveys
- Delete surveys
- Send surveys - automatically & manually
The Surveys- application has the following tabs:
- List
- Survey
- Survey Preview
- Survey Results
The status of a survey can be in DRAFT, ACTIVE, or CLOSED. The following conditions for each status:
- The default status for a new survey is DRAFT.
- A survey can be edited only in DRAFT status.
- A survey can be moved from DRAFT status to ACTIVE or CLOSE status.
- A survey cannot be edited in ACTIVE or CLOSE status and never moved to DRAFT status.
- A user cannot fill in a survey after a survey is moved to CLOSE status. A CLOSED survey is considered complete and ready for survey report generation.
- Survey reports can be generated in ACTIVE or CLOSE status.