Organizations options configuration

The Organizations application can be used to configure options to be used by the default workflow.

You can specify the following workflow options:
  • Default workflow that is initiated on the catalog request submission. The workflow provided is PMSC_SR3.
  • Default Line Manager workflow that is initiated to route the Service Request for approval. The default value is PMSC_LMD1. The workflow specified must generate a workflow assignment record. When the workflow assignment record is accepted or rejected, the workflow must set the service request status to APPLM or RESOLVED.
  • Default Fulfillment Manager workflow that is initiated to route the Service Request for approval. The default value is PMSC_FMD1. The workflow specified must generate a workflow assignment record. When the workflow assignment record is accepted or rejected, the workflow must set the service request status to APPFM or RESOLVED.
  • Check supervisor prior to cart submission will ensure that the user requesting the service has a supervisor specified on the user record prior to submittal.