Common errors

Use this information to resolve some common errors that may occur when import software catalog data.

No files appear in the working directory, but the cron task history shows that the task ran without error.

If no files have been retrieved, there is probably an issue with connectivity. Run-time errors cannot be reported in the history available in the Cron Task Manager application. To see the errors, you must turn on logging.

I turned on logging, but I cannot find the log file.

You can enter a path for all logging files in the Logging application, using the Set Logging Root Folder action. Log files will appear in the folders maximo\logs\ inside the directory that you enter.

Files appear in the working directory, but no records are loaded.

The consumers for the queues have probably not been configured correctly. A cron task must be enabled for the sequential queue, and a bean must be enabled in configuration files for the continuous queue.

I switched from continuous to sequential queue, but no messages are processed.

Make sure that the correct external system was configured. Make sure that the sequential queue consumer cron task is configured. The settings in the external system only apply to subsequent loads. Messages that are in the continuous queue will not be transported to the sequential queue. It may be necessary to clear the continuous queue and to use the integration framework to run the load step of the import.

Error java.lang.Exception at psdi.mbo.MboSet.fetchMbosActual

These errors occur between INFO-level FetchResultLogLimit log messages. They are caused when a SQL statement fetches more rows than the limit set in the system properties file. This can occur during the manufacturers load by design, so the error may be ignored.

psdi.util.MXSystemException: BMXLM0526E - Error importing file

This error is usually caused by other errors. Look further down in the log file for the cause.