Overview of software contracts
You use the Software Contracts application to create, view, and revise software contract records and to perform other tasks related to software contract management.
- Create, revise, and view software contracts
- Associate contract line items with a software license
- View licenses that are associated with a software contract
- Associate people with software contracts
- Associate assets with software contracts
- Specify properties of software contracts
- Associate terms and conditions with software contracts
When you use a standard software contract, the system requires a purchase order, a maximum spending amount is not required. Before you can approve a software contract, you must specify a vendor; have at least one authorized site, and a start date.
To approve a contract, use the Change Status action. Approved software contracts cannot be edited. You must use the Revise Contract action to change the status of an approved contract. Line items can be added to any contract that has DRAFT or WAPPR (waiting for approval) status. When you save a software contract, the application evaluates the contract line items to determine the level of licensing. The level of licensing is displayed in the License Status field.