Defining and planning license entitlements
Follow these procedures to define your license entitlements. These procedures entail creating license records for each of your IPLA, ICA, or generic license types defining the scope of the licenses, and allocating the licenses to locations, computer assets, partition assets, or application users, and to general ledger accounts.
The goal of License Management in Maximo IT is to help effectively understand and manage your license entitlements; to accomplish that quicker, as part of planning for Maximo IT implementation the current License group/managers should compile entitlement lists for all vendors (and particularly the vendors with which your organization has purchased the most entitlements: the ‘rule of thumb’ in the IT industry is that 80% of all entitlements – and entitlement costs – are from only 3-6 vendors).
Identifying pertinent license agreements, pricing contracts, and related information during planning and implementation and using them to compile these entitlement lists will help to speed up entering licenses into Maximo IT, whether manually or especially as part of a bulk import.