Creating a link rule

Use the Link Rules application to create a link rule for the CI-to-asset link.

You can create link rule records from the record list or from the Link Rule tab in the application. A link rule is a required component of a reconciliation task; it establishes the basis of the comparison by identifying the top-level object and attribute in Data Set 1 to link to a specific attribute of the top-level object in Data Set 2. Always use Data Set 1 for CIs and Data Set 2 for assets.

Complete the following steps to create a link rule.

  1. Click Open menu > Administration > Reconciliation > Link Rules.
  2. On the toolbar in the Link Rules application, click New Link Rule.
  3. In the Link field, type the name that you want to assign to the link rule, for example ASSET2CI_LINKRULE. This name must be unique.
  4. Optional: In the Description field, type a brief description of the link rule.
  5. In the Type of Reconciliation table window, in the Data Set 1 field, click Select Value and select CI.
  6. In the Data Set 2 field, click Select Value and select ASSET.
  7. To add a link rule clause, in the Link Clauses table window, click New Row.
    Note: The application generates a sequence number for each new row created. By default, the application creates sequence numbers in increments of ten in ascending order. You can modify the numbers as needed or add new clauses with sequence numbers that fall between already-existing numbers. When you save the record, the application sorts the clauses in ascending numerical order.
  8. If appropriate, in the (... field (open parenthesis), enter an open parenthesis.
  9. In the Data Set 1 Object field, click Select Value and select CI. The value CI populates the Data Set 1 Object field.
  10. In the Data Set 1 Attribute field, click Select Value and select the attribute appropriate for the CI that you want to link. The value selected populates the Data Set 1 Attribute field, and the application displays the title of the attribute in the Data Set 1 Attribute Title field.
  11. In the Data Set 2 Object field, click Select Value and choose ASSET from the Select Value dialog box. The value ASSET populates the Data Set 2 Object field.
  12. In the Data Set 2 Attribute field, click Select Value and select the asset attribute that corresponds to the attribute you selected for the CI. The value selected populates the Data Set 2 Attribute field, and the application displays the title of the attribute in the Data Set 2 Attribute Title field.
  13. If appropriate, in the ...) field (close parenthesis), enter a close parenthesis.
  14. If you want to add more link rule clauses to the link rule, in the Sequence Operator field, click Select Value. A Select Value dialog box opens. On the dialog box, click to select the appropriate sequence operator. The Select Value dialog box closes, and the selected operator populates the Sequence Operator field. When more than one link rule clause exists, the sequence operator is required. It specifies how the current clause relates to the next clause in the sequence.
  15. If appropriate, create additional clauses to define the link rule for CI-to-asset linking.
  16. When you have entered all clauses, click Save Link Rule.

Now, you can define the reconciliation task for the asset to deployed asset link.