Resource types and shape documents

A resource type identifies the type of data, such as a change request, that is linked between integrated applications. A resource type can have an associated shape document. A shape document is similar to an XML schema in the way that it defines the data structure of the resource.

In the OSLC Providers application, you use the Add/Modify Resource Types action to create resource types. You create a resource type for each type of data that at least one provider supports, and that you want to link to. The provider application must support the resource type through a service provider for the resource type to be available for an OSLC interaction.

A resource type can be used with multiple interactions for a provider. Resource types are available to use with multiple OSLC providers that support the same resource type.

Resource data from the provider application can be made available to the consumer application as usages. A usage is a subclass of the resource data. For example, a resource type of change request might have usages of defect and task.

A shape document is a Resource Description Framework (RDF) file that provides a description of the resource data types that can be used in an interaction. When you create a resource type, you can import a shape document for the resource type. The shape document contains a list of attributes of the resource type.