Enabling electronic audits

Administrators can enable electronic audits, E-audit, on any database object for any number of attributes.

About this task

To enable electronic audit records on database objects, contact your system provider.

Only the global administrator can enable electronic auditing for attributes in a tenant extension table. For example, the global administrator creates an extension table for the ASSET_EXT object, and a tenant uses the ALN50 field to extend the asset object. The global administrator can enable electronic auditing on the ALN50 field of the ASSET_EXT object. The value set by the tenant on the extension field is electronically audited in the audit table A_ASSET_EXT. The electronic audit information can be viewed only through A_ASSET and A_ASSET_EXT.

The storage type of electronic audit records is 0, except when the associated database objects have a storage type of 4 or 7. If a database object has a storage type of 4 or 7, the electronic audit records that are associated with it have the same storage type.


  1. In the Database Configuration application, select the object that you want to audit.
  2. In the Audit section on the Object tab, select the Audit Enabled check box.
  3. Save the record.
  4. From the More Actions menu, select Manage Admin Mode and refresh the database.


An audit table is created for the object. For example, an A_ASSET audit table is created for the ASSET object.

What to do next

After you enable electronic audits for an object, you can select specific attributes and enable electronic audits for the attributes. For more information, see Enabling audit tracking by using attributes.