Query select parameter

The oslc.select query parameter requests a partial resource representation of the resources in a collection resource. The oslc.select parameter always applies to a collection resource. You specify the list of properties to include in the request.

Example: Partial resource request

The oslc.select parameter provides a comma-separated list of qualified property names. The oslc.prefix parameter is not supported. The following query requests a partial resource:
oslc.select=oslc:shortTitle, dcterms:creator
The query returns the following information:
 "rdf:about": "some uri",
 "rdfs:member": [
  "oslc:shortTitle": "1022",
  "rdf:about": "some workorder uri",
      "rdf:about": "some person uri"

Example: Selecting properties from referenced resources

With the oslc.select parameter, you can select properties from referenced resources. The following query requests the name of the creator:
oslc.select= oslc:shortTitle, dcterms:creator{foaf:name}
The query returns the following information:
 "rdf:about": "some uri",
 "rdfs:member": [
  "oslc:shortTitle": "1022",
  "rdf:about": "some workorder uri",
      "rdf:about": "some person uri",
      "foaf:name": "Todd Winston"
In this example, the foaf:Person resource is the name of the person that is specified in the creator property value. To get all the properties from the resource, you can use oslc.select=*. The same syntax can be applied to the oslc.properties parameter when you search for an OSLC resource.