To indicate that a laborer is qualified to perform a specific
function, you can associate labor with qualifications.
Before you begin
To associate labor with qualifications, both the labor record
and the qualification record must be active. The laborer also must
have the prerequisite crafts and skill levels for the qualification
listed on their labor record.
- In the Qualifications application, select the qualification
record that you want to associate with a labor record.
- Click the Associated Labor tab.
- Specify a value for labor.
- Specify the first year that the laborer acquired competence
in the qualification.
- Optional: Specify information regarding certification:
- Specify a certificate number.
information is read-only when the record is saved.
- Specify the date that the qualification became effective.
- Specify the date that the certificate was validated.
- Specify additional information, such as the person who
validated the certificate requirements and the organization that issued
the certificate.
- Save your changes.