Package status

The status of a package indicates that it is being created, deployed, or is in an interim state. You can use the status to track the steps of a package or to identify and resolve errors.

You do not set or change the status of a package. The status is created by the Migration Manager application during the creation or the deployment of a package. You can see the status and the history of status changes on the Package tab in the Migration Manager application.

In a source environment, a package can have one of the following statuses:

Status Description
CREATE_NEW The package is marked for creation, but compiled sources are not yet uploaded.
CREATE_INPROGRESS The package is being created and compiled sources are uploaded.
CREATED The package is created and can be deployed.
CREATE_ERROR An error prevented the creation of the package.
CLOSED The package is closed. Closing a package copies the file to an archive folder and deletes the staging table records. You cannot view or deploy a closed package. If your package is in the form of records in the staging table (distribution is type DATABASE), closing the package deletes the staging table records.

In a target environment, a package can have one of the following statuses:

Status Description
DEPLOY_NEW The package is marked for deployment and does not contain compiled sources.
DEPLOY_NEW_CMPSRC The package is marked for deployment and contains compiled sources.
DEPLOY_INPROGRESS The package is being deployed.
DEPLOYED The package is deployed.
DEPLOY_ERROR An error prevented the deployment of the package.
REDISTRIBUTE The package is being redistributed.
REDISTRIBUTED The package is redistributed.
REDISTRIBUTE_ERROR An error prevented redistribution of the package.
CLOSED The package is closed.