Update meter history rules

Use the Manage Meter Reading History action in the Locations application to view or to update historical meter readings. When you update a meter reading, the delta (change) readings for that meter that are more recent than the date on which you make the update are applied. Readings taken at a location might roll down to the assets in that location if those assets are set up to accept them. If you require an audit trail of original reading data before an update, use the Audit feature.

Keep in mind the following considerations when updating meter history:

  • A meter reading cannot be less than the previous meter reading unless the meter has a rollover point. The same is true for historical changes. A reading cannot exceed a subsequent reading if the meter does not have a rollover point. Since a meter rollover might be changed, the metadata, including rollover, for an inserted reading is copied from the preceding reading.
  • If a reading is deemed acceptable, the averages and cumulative readings are recalculated and the change rolls down the asset hierarchy. Verification is performed to see if any preventive maintenance is due as a result of the meter reading change. This check is performed on all assets whose meter readings are changed.
  • Child records are updated as a result of a reading change, and preventive maintenance checks are triggered for those assets. All METERREADING entries for reading corrections include the time and date stamp and the user identifier.
  • Use the Meters application to insert a meter reading for a date that is earlier than the current meter reading date. When such a record is inserted, the mode of the meter update is verified for the next reading in the history table. If that record was updated by specifying a delta value, then the meter reading is recalculated for that record, as well as for subsequent records that were recorded after the inserted record date. This occurs until it reaches a record that was updated by giving an actual meter reading. The history for the children that were attached to the asset during the inserted record date is updated as well by applying the delta reading of the parent. If the next reading was updated by specifying an actual meter reading, then the inserted record does not affect any subsequent readings.