Creating measurement point records
You use the Condition Monitoring application to create measurement point records and associate the records with your assets and locations.
- From the Condition Monitoring tab of the Condition Monitoring application, click New Measure Point, and type a value in the Point field, if needed.
- In the Meter field, specify the meter name or click Detail Menu to select a meter for this measurement point.
- In the Asset or the Location field, type the identifier. If you choose an asset that is associated with a location, the location identifier displays in the Location field.
- If the meter is of a continuous type, specify the upper and lower warning limits and action limits. In the Upper Warning Limit field and in the Lower Warning Limit field, type the values for the meter readings that define the upper warning limit and the lower warning limit.
- In the Upper Action Limit field and in the Lower Action Limits field, specify the values for the meter readings that define the upper action limit and the lower action limit. If these limits are reached, these values cause a preventive maintenance or a job plan to be generated when you select the Generate Work Orders action. Measurements at or beyond the warning limits indicate that you must monitor this point carefully. Measurements at or beyond the action limits alert you that the asset or the location may require maintenance or repair.
- In the Upper Limit PM field or in the Upper Limit Job Plan field, type the identifier of the preventive maintenance record or the job plan record to use on all work orders that you generate for a higher than acceptable reading on this measurement point. The preventive maintenance record or the job plan record must already be associated with the asset or the location, and cannot be a master preventive maintenance record.
- In the Lower Limit PM field or in the Lower Limit Job Plan field, type the identifier of the preventive maintenance record or the job plan record to use on all work orders that you generate for a lower than acceptable reading on this measurement point. The preventive maintenance record or the job plan record must already be associated with the asset or the location, and cannot be a master preventive maintenance record.
- In the Upper Limit Priority field, type a value to use when scheduling the upper limit work order.
- In the Lower Limit Priority field, type a value to use when scheduling the lower limit work order.
- If the meter type is characteristic, complete the characteristic action values. These are observational readings that result in the initiation of a preventive maintenance or a job plan. Under the Characteristic Action Value table, click New Row.
- In the Value field, specify a value, or click Detail Menu to select a value for this characteristic action value. You can enter one action value for each type of observation for a given characteristic meter. For example, if a meter has possible values of high, medium, and low, specify one preventive maintenance or one job plan to use if the value is high; one to use if the value is medium; and a third one to use if the value is low.
- Click Save Measure Point.