Cart Templates application

In the Cart Templates application, you can view the list of offerings in a cart template, manage your cart templates, create a copy of a cart template for another user, add a selected cart template to the shopping cart, or delete a cart template. Cart templates can be used to group a set of commonly requested offerings in a single cart that can be reused and shared.

Users can manage their cart templates using the Cart Templates application as follows:

  • View template – click the template name to view the list of offerings in the cart template.
  • Delete template – allows you to delete a template by clicking the Delete icon next to the cart template.
  • Add Template to Cart – to add the contents of the cart template to the cart, for each user selected.
    Note: This button only appears on the Cart Templates application if at least one cart template was created using the Create Template button in the Shopping Cart application, or if someone created a copy of their template for you.
  • Create Copy – allows you to create a copy of a cart template for another user. This is useful if you want to share frequently used templates with other users so that they can use/modify them for their needs. This option is only available to administrators by default. Access can be granted to other users using signature options.
  • Go To Offering Catalog – takes you to the Offering Catalog application where you can browse for offerings and add more offerings to your cart.
  • Go To Self Service Center – takes you to the Self Service Center application. Self Service center users can manage cart templates from within the Self Service center.