Manual implementation of UI changes and security for interactions

If you choose to not have the wizard auto-generate user interface (UI) changes in the consumer application, you must modify the UI yourself. The user interface must make the interaction available to users through a push button. If you do not select security groups in the wizard, you must specify the security groups that have access to the interaction.

Even when you do not auto-generate user interface changes, creation of an OSLC interaction creates a link relationship and a push-button signature option. The link relationship name is based on the specified resource type or usage. The signature option name is based on the interaction name. The relationship name and the signature option name are listed in the interaction details on the OSLC Provider tab. You need these two values when you manually implement UI changes.

Use the Application Designer application to modify the user interface of the consumer application. You must create a push button so that the OSLC interaction can be executed to create a link. And you must provide a tab with a table to hold the links to resources in the provider application. Typically, you provide the button and the link table together on the same tab.

Use the Security Groups application to specify the groups that have access to the push button. Only users in the groups that you authorize can see the button and use it to display the provider application window and run the interaction.