Modifying an existing lifecycle
This topic describes how you can modify the existing attributes of a lifecycle.
Before you begin
About this task
- Click from the drop down menu.
- Select the existing lifecycle to which you want to add a state.
- Click New Lifecycle State. The Lifecycle State Details table appears underneath the States table
- Select a state from the State drop down menu.
- Select the Is protected? check box if you want to create a protected state.
- Select the Is Default? check box if you want this state to be the
default. There can be only one default state per lifecycle.
- Optional: Add a description to the Description field for the state.
- Repeat this task until you have defined all the desired states.
- After you have added new states, define the permitted transitions from each state.
- If you need to define new states see Creating a new lifecycle state.
Changing the properties of an existing state
- Click .
- Select the existing lifecycle that contains the state whose properties you want to change.
- Click the name of the state that you want to modify. The Lifecycle State Details panel is displayed.
- Modify any properties of the selected state.
- The Transitions From panel appears and lists the other states in this CI lifecycle to which transitions are defined from the current state. You can add a new transition or delete an existing one.
Click Save icon to save the modified lifecycle.
A message, Record has been saved, is displayed.