Viewing contracts associated with a license

Use the View Contracts action to view a read-only list of contracts associated with the currently displayed record. Examples of contract types include purchase, lease/rental, warranty, and software.

Before you begin

Before you can view any contracts related to the currently displayed record, the record must already be associated with one or more contracts in the appropriate contracts application.

About this task

Because you can only view contracts from a displayed record, the View Contracts action is not available from the record list.

The steps for viewing contracts follow.


  1. Display the record that you want to view contracts for.
  2. Select the View Contracts action. The View Contracts window displays a list of contracts associated with the current record.

    (To view additional details about a listed contract, select the contract, click the Detail Menu next to the Contract field, and click the Go To selection to go to the applicable contracts application. When finished viewing the contract details, click Return to go back to the previous application.)

  3. Click OK to close the View Contracts window.