Reserving license capacity

In the Licenses application, you can reserve license capacity for future use.

About this task

If you want to reserve license capacity for future use, you can select the license and then specify how much capacity to reserve. When you reserve license capacity, the quantity of license capacity that you reserve is subtracted from the capacity that is currently available for that license. For example, you have purchased license capacity for 100 instances of IBM® Lotus Symphony®, and you have already installed the application on 10 computers. The available capacity for the license is 90. You anticipate hiring 25 new employees in the next three months. You can reserve 25 of the licenses for the new employees. When you reserve the 25 licenses, the available capacity becomes 65 licenses.

When you reserve license capacity, by default the Requested By field displays the name of the user requesting the reservation. The Requested Date and Required Date fields use the current date and time. You can change these values if necessary.


  1. In the Licenses application, display and select the license with the capacity that you want to reserve.
  2. Select the Add/Modify Reservation action.
  3. In the Add/Modify Reservation window, select one of the following options:
    Option Description
    To reserve license capacity for future use:
    1. In the Add/Modify Reservation window, click New Row.
    2. Specify values in the fields as needed.
    3. Click OK to save the reservation.
    To change a license capacity reservation:
    1. In the Add/Modify Reservation window, select the row that you want to change.
    2. Expand the row to view the details for the reservation.
    3. Change values in the fields as needed.
    4. Click OK to save the changes to the reservation.
    To delete a license capacity reservation:
    1. In the Add/Modify Reservation window, select the row that you want to delete.
    2. Click Mark Row for Delete.
    3. Click OK to delete the reservation.


When you save a reservation, the Requested Capacity and Available Capacity fields on the Licenses tab are updated to account for the reserved license capacity. The Requested Capacity field displays the total quantity of license capacity reserved, including this reservation and any other reservations for this license. The Available Capacity field displays the quantity of license capacity that is available for use. To calculate the available capacity, all license capacity that is already allocated or is reserved for future use is subtracted from the total capacity of the license.