Labor overview
Labor records are useful for tracking labor, analyzing
labor, and recovering labor costs associated with assets or parts
under warranty. After you setup labor records, you must register them
in the Security application to assign privileges and restrictions
on the applications persons can access.
Labor records and person records
Similar to person records, labor records contain personal information, but are designed to store information about the worker, such as craft, skill level, hours worked, certifications, and so forth. On the other hand, person records contain personal information, and general information, such as workflow and purchasing information.
Assignment of calendars to labor
A calendar specifies the days when work is performed and includes non-work days, such as weekends or holidays. You can assign a calendar to a labor record to specify the work days for a laborer. You can designate a shift to specify the work hours for the laborer.
Status of qualifications
When you no longer need a qualification record, you can change the status of that record to inactive.
Zero year to date hours associated with labor
In the Labor application, you use the Zero Year to Date Hours action to track the hours that associated with a labor record during a calendar or fiscal year.
Labor inventory locations
A labor inventory location maintains a balance of inventory items that were issued from a storeroom.
Status of labor records
The status of a labor record indicates whether the record is active, inactive, closed, or canceled.
Deletion rules for labor
To meet your changing business needs, you can delete labor records.