Viewing CI link results

You use the CI Link Results application to view link results.

The system generates link results when it runs a reconciliation task and finds a successful link between a top-level object and attribute in Data Set 1 (typically authorized CI data) and an attribute of an object in Data Set 2 (typically actual CI data). These results do not show unauthorized changes and are typically used only in detailed investigations.
  1. Click Open menu > Administration > Reconciliation > CI Link Results.
  2. In the CI Link Results application, place the cursor in the CI Link Result field. Type a filter term if you want to limit the list of records. Press Enter.
  3. Select the CI link result record that you want to view.

If appropriate, you can use the Detail Menu in the CI field to view Classifications, view Attributes, or navigate to the Configuration Items application. You can also delete CI link result records after viewing them.