Creating automation script
An automation script consists of a launch point, variables with corresponding binding values, and the source code.
Two automation scripts created:
- To create a JIRA issue whenever any Maximo IT incident is raised based on input provided.
- To update the Maximo IT incident whenever any JIRA issue is updated
Automation script to create a JIRA issue
- Open the Automation Scripts application.
- On the navigation panel, click Create and select Script with Object Launch Point.
- On the Create Script with Object Launch Point : Step 1 of 3 pop-up, fill the fields as follows:
- Launch Point: Specify the launch point name, for example, INCIDENTTEST.
- Object: Search for the INCIDENT object and select.
- Object Event Condition: Fill below condition in this box:
- :createjiraticket=1 and
:jiraendpoint!="Note: createjiraticket and jiraendpoint are the names of the attribute created in Adding Attribute in Incident Application.
- :createjiraticket=1 and
- Click the Save button, check the checkbox for the Update?, and click After Save button.
- Click the Next.
- On the Create Script with Object Launch Point : Step 2 of 3 pop-up, fill the fields as follows:
- Script: Specify as jython
- Script Language: Search and select jython
- Log Level: Search and select Debug
- Click Next
- Save the below code as a JSON file and save it in your directory such as
- The below is the sample JSON code, update the code as per your JIRA server.
- Make sure that this same JSON file directory is mentioned in the below step 6 script as necessary.
{ 1:10000, 2:2, 3:3, 4:4, 5:10001 }
- On the Create Script with Object Launch Point : Step 3of 3 pop-up, fill the script box
with the below script, and click CreateNote:
- The below script is a sample and for reference only, update the script as per your custom field ID's and other changes as necessary.
- The priority_mapping.json file directory must be the same in below script as you save the JSON file in the above step 5.
- The custom filed ID's in the below script must be same as it was generated in Creating custom fields in JIRA.
# Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2021. All rights reserved
# This script is used to create defect in jira whenever an incident is created from ICD.
from import JSONObject
from import BufferedReader, IOException, InputStreamReader
from java.lang import System, Class, String, StringBuffer
from java.nio.charset import Charset
from java.util import Date, Properties, List, ArrayList
from org.apache.commons.codec.binary import Base64
from org.apache.http import HttpEntity, HttpHeaders, HttpResponse, HttpVersion
from org.apache.http.client import ClientProtocolException, HttpClient
from org.apache.http.client.entity import UrlEncodedFormEntity
from org.apache.http.client.methods import HttpPost
from org.apache.http.client.methods import HttpGet
from org.apache.http.entity import StringEntity
from org.apache.http.impl.client import DefaultHttpClient
from org.apache.http.message import BasicNameValuePair
from org.apache.http.params import BasicHttpParams, HttpParams, HttpProtocolParamBean
from psdi.mbo import Mbo, MboRemote, MboSet, MboSetRemote
from import UserInfo
from psdi.server import MXServer
from psdi.mbo import SqlFormat
from psdi.iface.router import Router
from psdi.iface.mic import EndPointCache
from psdi.iface.router import HTTPHandler
from java.util import HashMap
from sys import *
def getIncidentData():
System.out.println( 'getIncidentData invoked')
System.out.println( mbo)
description = mbo.getString("DESCRIPTION")
System.out.println( description)
return mbo;
def getJIRAPriority(reported_priority):
priority = "3"
# read mapping file
with open('C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\priority_mapping.json', 'r') as myfile:
# converting string to json
final_dictionary = eval(data)
for key, value in final_dictionary.items():
if (str)(key) == reported_priority:
priority = (str)(value)
return priority;
# method for creating the JSON string which is sent in http POST body
def createJSONstring():
jsonStr = ""
project = JSONObject()
project.put("key", "IJI")
issuetype = JSONObject()
issuetype.put("name", "Task")
reported_priority = mbo.getString("REPORTEDPRIORITY")
priority = JSONObject()
priority.put("id", getJIRAPriority(reported_priority))
obj = JSONObject()
obj.put("summary", mbo.getString("DESCRIPTION"))
obj.put("project", project)
obj.put("issuetype", issuetype)
obj.put("priority", priority)
obj.put("customfield_10200", mbo.getString("TICKETUID"))
obj.put("customfield_10201", mbo.getString("TICKETID"))
obj.put("customfield_10202", mbo.getString("CREATEDBY"))
create_jira_ticket = mbo.getBoolean("CREATEJIRATICKET")
fields = JSONObject()
fields.put("fields", obj)
jsonStr = fields.serialize(True)
return jsonStr
# method for http POST using the path, JSON body and token with bearer authorization
def httpPost(url,username,password, jsonstring):
reference = None
path = "/rest/api/2/issue"
uri = url + path
# get authentication header
auth = username + ":" + password
encodedAuth = String(Base64.encodeBase64(String.getBytes(auth, 'ISO-8859-1')),"UTF-8")
authHeader = "Basic " + str(encodedAuth)
# get http parameters
params = BasicHttpParams()
paramsBean = HttpProtocolParamBean(params)
# get http body entities
entity = StringEntity(jsonstring)
# get client, http headers and request
client = DefaultHttpClient()
request = HttpPost(uri)
request.addHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json")
request.addHeader('Authorization', authHeader)
# get client response
response = client.execute(request)
# return JSON response and reference number
status = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()
return 'success'
# method for creating JIRA ticket
def createJIRATicket():
jira_end_point = mbo.getString("JIRAENDPOINT")
# get Endpoint/Handler.
print "using end point: ", jira_end_point
handler = Router.getHandler(jira_end_point)
print "credentials being used: ", jira_end_point
# get the username, password and url from the endpoint mbo
username = handler.getUserName();
print "username = ", username
endPointInfo = EndPointCache.getInstance().getEndPointInfo(jira_end_point)
password = endPointInfo.getProperty("PASSWORD").getValue()
url = handler.getUrl()
print "url =", url
jsonstr = createJSONstring()
System.out.println( 'addCompany2Logo try block invoked')
reference = httpPost(url,username,password, jsonstr)
System.out.println( 'Error:' + str(exc_info()[0]) + str(exc_info()[1]))
System.out.println( 'finally - all connections closed')
# Main part
Automation script to update the Maximo IT incident
Save the below code as a JSON file and save it in your directory such as
- The below is the sample JSON code, update the code as per your JIRA server.
- Make sure that the above JSON file directory is mentioned in the below step 3 script as necessary.
"Work in progress":"INPROG",
- Go to the Automation Scripts application.
- On the left-hand side navigation panel, click Create and select Script.
- On the Create Script pop-up, fill the fields as follows:
- Script: Specify the script name such as UPDATEINCIDENT
- Script Language: Search and select jython
- Log Level: Search and select Debug
- Fill the script box at the bottom of pop-up with the below script and click Create.Note:
- The below script is a sample and for reference only, update the script as per your custom field ID's and other changes as necessary.
- The status_mapping.json file directory must be the same in the below script as you saved the JSON file in the prerequisite above.
- The custom filed ID's in the below script must be same as it was generated in Creating custom fields in JIRA.
# Copyright (C) Altran ACT S.A.S. 2021. All rights reserved # This script is used to update icd incident when an update is being triggered from jira. from java.util import Calendar from org.python.core import PyTuple #from org.json import JSONObject from import BufferedReader, IOException, InputStreamReader, BufferedInputStream from java.lang import System, Class, String, StringBuffer, Integer from java.nio.charset import Charset from java.util import Date, Properties, List, ArrayList from org.apache.commons.codec.binary import Base64 from org.apache.http import HttpEntity, HttpHeaders, HttpResponse, HttpVersion from org.apache.http.client import ClientProtocolException, HttpClient from org.apache.http.client.entity import UrlEncodedFormEntity from org.apache.http.client.methods import HttpGet from org.apache.http.entity import StringEntity from org.apache.http.util import EntityUtils from org.apache.http.impl.client import DefaultHttpClient from org.apache.http.message import BasicNameValuePair from org.apache.http.params import BasicHttpParams, HttpParams, HttpProtocolParamBean from import JsonObject, JsonParser, JsonElement from psdi.mbo import Mbo, MboRemote, MboSet, MboSetRemote from import UserInfo from psdi.server import MXServer from psdi.mbo import SqlFormat from psdi.mbo import MboConstants from sys import * def getICDStatus(jira_status): status = "" # read mapping file with open('C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\status_mapping.json', 'r') as myfile: # converting string to json final_dictionary = eval(data) status = final_dictionary.get(jira_status) return status; def getICDPriority(jira_priority): priority = "" # read mapping file with open('C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\priority_mapping.json', 'r') as myfile: # converting string to json final_dictionary = eval(data) # converting string to json final_dictionary = eval(data) for key, value in final_dictionary.items(): if jira_priority == value : return key; return priority; def getJsonValue(val): if val.isJsonPrimitive(): p = val.getAsJsonPrimitive() if p.isString(): return p.getAsString() if p.isBoolean(): return p.getAsBoolean() if p.isNumber(): return p.getAsNumber().intValue() else: return def invokeUpdateMbo(): #set content-type here responseHeaders.put("content-type","application/json") #convert request body to json object jsonElement = JsonElement jsonObject = JsonObject try: jsonElement = JsonParser().parse(requestBody) jsonObject = jsonElement.getAsJsonObject() except: System.out.println('error while parsing json') # ticket uid ticketuid = jsonObject.get('fields').get('customfield_10200') # read mapping file with open('C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\incident_icd_jira_mapping.json', 'r') as myfile: # converting string to json final_dictionary = eval(data) #get incident mbo ticketSet = MXServer.getMXServer().getMboSet("TICKET", request.getUserInfo()); format = SqlFormat("ticketuid=:1"); format.setObject(1, "TICKET", "ticketuid", getJsonValue(ticketuid)); ticketSet.setWhere(format.format()); ticketSet.reset(); incidentMbo = ticketSet.getMbo(0); #iterate json object jsonObject1 = jsonObject for key, value in final_dictionary.items(): temp = value arr = temp.split(".") val = "" length = len(arr) for i in arr: if length == 1: val = jsonObject.get(i) else : tempjson = jsonObject.get(i) jsonObject = tempjson length = length -1 jsonObject = jsonObject1 incidentMbo.setValue(key, getJsonValue(val), MboConstants.NOACCESSCHECK | MboConstants.NOVALIDATION_AND_NOACTION) jira_status = jsonObject.get('fields').get('status').get('name') icd_status = getICDStatus(getJsonValue(jira_status)) if icd_status == '': System.out.println( 'icd_status is empty') else : incidentMbo.setValue('STATUS',icd_status,MboConstants.NOACCESSCHECK | MboConstants.NOVALIDATION_AND_NOACTION) jira_priority = jsonObject.get('fields').get('priority').get('id') icd_priority = getICDPriority(getJsonValue(jira_priority)) incidentMbo.setValue('REPORTEDPRIORITY',icd_priority,MboConstants.NOACCESSCHECK | MboConstants.NOVALIDATION_AND_NOACTION) #save incident mbo incidentMbo.getThisMboSet().save(); # Main part invokeUpdateMbo()