Investigate an Incident using Workflows

Workflows are used to help investigate and resolve an Incident. The Automation tab in the Incidents application shows the active workflows that an Incident can be routed through. Workflows can be interactive or automated.

Some workflows are provided, and you can add more workflows if desired. By default, workflows with names beginning with "RBA" are available. You can change this filter in the Application Designer application.

The workflows provided are:

This is an interactive process that pings a server. It checks if the incident is already classified. If it is already classified, it checks if the specification attribute 'IPADDRESS_STRINGNOTATION' exists. If it is not already classified, it assigns it to “IT Issues” and adds a specification attribute called IPADDRESS_STRINGNOTATION. Next, it uses the primary Configuration Item (CI) specified in the incident, allows you to select a CI from the list available, or to specify the IP address directly in IPADDRESS_STRINGNOTATION. To find the IP address of the CIs, it checks the classification group of the classstructure of the CIs. It should be one of the following values: COMPSYS, BUSAPP, APPSRV or DB. It only supports IPV4. It leverages the new object type in Maximo IT called a classification group.

This is an automated process that pings a server. It is similar to RBAPINGINT. As the process is automated it expects the incident to contain the CI. It also includes an installed escalation called RBAAUTOACCEPT, and this needs to be activated.

This is an interactive diagnostics process. The process can only be invoked from Tpae. The process pings the target and if the ping is successful, obtains a list of all the application servers and their status. To connect to the target, it uses the end point credentials contained in the specification attribute CONNECTION_CREDENTIALS. The end point RBA_WAS is provided out of the box and the userid/password can be updated with the wasadmin of the target system. When the process is running a message is displayed to update the connection information. This is to update the CONNECTION_CREDENTIALS with the end point name that contains the wasadmin credentials for the target server. The process uses the default SOAP port of 8880. If the target system uses a different port, you can update the port parameter value of the RBAWSG script using the Automation script application.
This is an automated diagnostics process. As the process is automated it runs RBAPING first and then connects to the specified by the IP address. The end point credentials must be specified as described for RBADIAGINT.

This process uses REST API to get the list of Windows Computer Systems. It uses the specification attribute CONNECTION_CREDENTIALS. An endpoint RBA_REST is provided, and this can be used to store the maxadmin credentials. The end point must be updated for maxadmin password and userid. It uses localhost by default.