Data Dictionary migration group

The Data Dictionary migration group manages objects, such as tables, attributes, relationships, and indexes.

DMCONDITION object structure

Managing application Condition Expression Manager
Supported objects Conditions
Outbound content processing None
Inbound content processing None
Carries long description No
Carries records in multiple languages No

DMCURRENCY object structure

Managing application Currency Codes
Supported objects Currency codes
Outbound content processing None
Inbound content processing None
Carries long description Yes, for the CURRENCY business object.
Carries records in multiple languages No

DMDEFGLCONFIGURE object structure

Managing application Database Configuration
Supported objects General ledger (GL) definition configuration and components
Outbound content processing None
Inbound content processing During package deployment in a target environment, this object structure implements extra processing logic to ensure that GL components can be loaded without error.
Carries long description No
Carries records in multiple languages No

DMGLCONFIGURE object structure

Managing application Database Configuration
Supported objects General ledger (GL) configuration and components
Outbound content processing None
Inbound content processing During package deployment in a target environment, this object structure implements extra processing logic to ensure that GL components can be loaded without error.
Carries long description No
Carries records in multiple languages No

DMLANGUAGE object structure

Managing application Not applicable
Supported objects Languages
Outbound content processing None
Inbound content processing When a package is deployed, this object structure ensures that the enabled language is not disabled.
Carries long description No
Carries records in multiple languages No

DMMAXDOMAIN object structure

Managing application Domains
Supported objects Domains
Outbound content processing During package creation in a source environment, this object structure skips internal domains that are not synonyms. This object structure does not extract the DBSTORAGEPARTITION domain, because this extraction must be managed separately in individual environments.
Inbound content processing During package deployment in a target environment, this object structure implements extra logic to ensure that CROSSOVERDOMAIN records can be loaded without error.
Carries long description No
Carries records in multiple languages Yes, for the MAXDOMAIN, ALNDOMAIN, and SYNONYMDOMAIN business objects.

DMMAXINTOBJECT object structure

Managing application Object Structures
Supported objects Object structures
Outbound content processing During package creation in a source environment, this object structure extracts only the structures that are configurable.
Inbound content processing When a package is deployed, this object structure ensures that new objects that are associated with the object structure are loaded without error.
Carries long description Yes, for the MAXINTOBJECT business object.
Carries records in multiple languages No

DMMAXLOOKUPMAP object structure

Managing application Database Configuration
Supported objects Related keys
Outbound content processing None
Inbound content processing None
Carries long description No
Carries records in multiple languages No

DMMAXMESSAGES object structure

Managing application Database Configuration
Supported objects Messages
Outbound content processing None
Inbound content processing None
Carries long description No
Carries records in multiple languages Yes, for the MAXMESSAGES business object.

DMMAXOBJECTCFG object structure

Managing application Database Configuration
Supported objects Objects, attributes, indexes, views, tables, columns, autokeys, audit table settings
Outbound content processing During package creation in a source environment, this object structure does not extract MXIN_INTER_TRANS and MXOUT_INTER_TRANS business objects. It also does not extract TEXTSEARCH indexes.
Inbound content processing During package deployment in a target environment, this object structure checks whether the underlying target database is a Db2® database. If it is, the index that serves as a native primary key for the underlying database is not migrated.
Carries long description No
Carries records in multiple languages Yes, for the MAXOBJECTCFG and MAXATTRIBUTECFG business objects.

DMMAXRELATIONSHIP object structure

Managing application Database Configuration
Supported objects Relationships
Outbound content processing None
Inbound content processing None
Carries long description No
Carries records in multiple languages None

DMMAXSEQUENCE object structure

Managing application Database Configuration
Supported objects Sequences
Outbound content processing None
Inbound content processing None
Carries long description No
Carries records in multiple languages No

DMMAXSERVICE object structure

Managing application Database Configuration
Supported objects Services
Outbound content processing None
Inbound content processing None
Carries long description No
Carries records in multiple languages Yes, for the MAXSERVICE business objects.
Additional information A service is associated with a Java™ class. When you migrate this object structure, you must migrate the class file as a compiled source. Restart the application server to start new services.

DMMAXVARS object structure

Managing application Multiple applications
Supported objects Maxvars
Outbound content processing None
Inbound content processing When a package is deployed, this object structure skips new MAXVAR records.
Carries long description No
Carries records in multiple languages No

DMORGANIZATION object structure

Managing application Organizations
Supported objects Organizations and sites
Outbound content processing None
Inbound content processing During package deployment in a target environment, this object structure implements extra processing logic to ensure that address references for a site can be resolved. If you created an organization in the target, the new organization is inactive.
Carries long description Yes, for the ORGANIZATION, ADDRESS, and SITE business objects.
Carries records in multiple languages No

DMSETS object structure

Managing application Sets
Supported objects Sets
Outbound content processing None
Inbound content processing None
Carries long description Yes, for the SETS business object.
Carries records in multiple languages No