Business Process Management migration group

The Business Process Management migration group is used in the management of workflow processes, roles, communication templates, email listeners, actions, and escalations.

DMACTION object structure

Managing application Actions
Supported objects Actions
Outbound content processing None
Inbound content processing During package deployment in a target environment, checks whether an action is linked to an escalation. If an action is linked to an escalation, the object structure does not delete the action and instead places a message in the product log file.
Carries long description Yes, for the ACTION business object.
Carries records in multiple languages No

DMACTIONGROUP object structure

Managing application Actions
Supported objects Action groups
Outbound content processing None
Inbound content processing None
Carries long description No
Carries records in multiple languages No
Additional information The Migration Manager application migrates actions before it migrates action groups.

DMCOMMTEMPLATE object structure

Managing application Communication Templates
Supported objects Communication templates
Outbound content processing When a package is created, the class adds the SCTEMPLATE information to the package.
Inbound content processing During package deployment in a target environment, this object structure implements extra logic to ensure that DOCLINKS records for a communication template can be loaded without error.
Carries long description No
Carries records in multiple languages No

DMESCALATION object structure

Managing application Escalations
Supported objects Escalations
Outbound content processing None
Inbound content processing When a package is created, this object structure ensures that escalation records for new communication templates are loaded without error.
Carries long description Yes, for the ESCALATION business object.
Carries records in multiple languages No
Additional information An escalation can include a reference to an action group, which in turn can contain one or more actions. Therefore, migrate action groups and actions before escalations. Similarly, an escalation can include a reference to one or more communication templates. Therefore, migrate communication templates before actions.

DMINBOUNDCOMMCFG object structure

Managing application Email listeners
Supported objects Email listeners
Outbound content processing None
Inbound content processing During package deployment in a target environment, this object structure implements extra logic to ensure that email listener references to a workflow process are resolved correctly. Also ensures that email listener configuration records are loaded without error.
Carries long description No
Carries records in multiple languages No

DMROLE object structure

Managing application Roles
Supported objects Roles
Outbound content processing None
Inbound content processing None
Carries long description Yes, for the MAXROLE business object.
Carries records in multiple languages No

DMWFPROCESS object structure

Managing application Workflow Designer
Supported objects Workflow process
Outbound content processing None
Inbound content processing During package deployment in a target environment, this object structure creates a revision of a workflow process whenever workflow data is imported. This object structure performs extra processing to ensure that other workflow-related records can be loaded without error. Before you import a workflow process, deploy into the target environment any subprocesses and communication templates that the workflow process depends on.
Carries long description Yes, for the WFPROCESS, WFNODE, WFASSIGNMENT, and WFINTERACTION business objects.
Carries records in multiple languages No