Guidance for specifying your license parameters

When creating a license using the Licenses application, see the tables for guidance in providing parameter values that are consistent with the type of license you are creating.

In key fields on the user interface (for example, License type, Term, Scope), the parameter values that you enter require that logically appropriate values be entered on subsequent fields. This is critical for any future license audit to achieve reliable results. The user interface itself does not prevent the entry of incompatible values. Tables of valid field values are provided for generic, ICA, and IPLA license types on mainframe and distributed platforms.
Important: The tables that follow offer general guidance about which parameter values are appropriate for which license types. However, always refer to your license documents (license agreements, addenda, and so on) as well, because they specify any unique conditions that you need to know about, and the licensing rules might have changed since the publication of these tables.

Generic license types on mainframe platforms

Use the following table when creating a generic license type and your platform selection is MAINFRAME. Locate your license type in the table and make sure that the subsequent values that you supply in the Licenses application for Type, Scope, License Term, Subcapacity, License Charge Period, Capacity, and Capacity Unit are valid for your license type. To be valid, all your field entries in the Licenses application must be consistent with one of the rows in the table.
Table 1. Valid field values for generic license types on mainframe platforms
License Type Scope License Term Sub- capacity License Charge Period Capacity Capacity Unit Provider

License Allocations

Object Type

License Allocations

Generic Installed ENTERPRISE INSTALLED No DAILY > 0 INSTINST (unavailable) (unavailable) (unavailable)
  SITE INSTALLED No DAILY > 0 INSTINST (unavailable) Location > 0
  COMPUTER INSTALLED No DAILY > 0 INSTINST (unavailable) Asset - must be a computer > 0
  LPAR INSTALLED No DAILY > 0 INSTINST (unavailable) Asset - must be a partition > 0
Generic OEM COMPUTER INSTALLED No DAILY 1 INSTINST (unavailable) Asset - must be a computer 1
Generic Full Capacity (MSUs) ENTERPRISE LICENSED or INSTALLED No DAILY > 0 MSUS (unavailable) (unavailable) (unavailable)
  SITE LICENSED or INSTALLED No DAILY > 0 MSUS (unavailable) Location Not limited
  COMPUTER LICENSED or INSTALLED No DAILY > 0 MSUS (unavailable) Asset - must be a computer Not limited
  LPAR LICENSED or INSTALLED No DAILY > 0 MSUS (unavailable) Asset - must be a partition Not limited
  ENTERPRISE EXECUTED No DAILY > 0 MSUS (unavailable) (unavailable) (unavailable)
  SITE EXECUTED No DAILY > 0 MSUS (unavailable) Location Not limited
  COMPUTER EXECUTED No DAILY > 0 MSUS (unavailable) Asset - must be a computer Not limited
  LPAR EXECUTED No DAILY > 0 MSUS (unavailable) Asset - must be a partition Not limited
Generic Full Capacity (MIPS) ENTERPRISE LICENSED or INSTALLED No DAILY > 0 MIPS Provider name (unavailable) (unavailable)
  SITE LICENSED or INSTALLED No DAILY > 0 MIPS Provider name Location Not limited
  COMPUTER LICENSED or INSTALLED No DAILY > 0 MIPS Provider name Asset - must be a computer Not limited
  LPAR LICENSED or INSTALLED No DAILY > 0 MIPS Provider name Asset - must be a partition Not limited
  ENTERPRISE EXECUTED No DAILY > 0 MIPS Provider name (unavailable) (unavailable)
  SITE EXECUTED No DAILY > 0 MIPS Provider name Location Not limited
  COMPUTER EXECUTED No DAILY > 0 MIPS Provider name Asset - must be a computer Not limited
  LPAR EXECUTED No DAILY > 0 MIPS Provider name Asset - must be a partition Not limited
Generic Subcapacity (MSUs) ENTERPRISE LICENSED or INSTALLED Yes DAILY > 0 MSUS (unavailable) (unavailable) (unavailable)
  SITE LICENSED or INSTALLED Yes DAILY > 0 MSUS (unavailable) Location Not limited
  COMPUTER LICENSED or INSTALLED Yes DAILY > 0 MSUS (unavailable) Asset - must be a computer Not limited
  LPAR LICENSED or INSTALLED Yes DAILY > 0 MSUS (unavailable) Asset - must be a partition Not limited
  ENTERPRISE EXECUTED Yes DAILY > 0 MSUS (unavailable) (unavailable) (unavailable)
  SITE EXECUTED Yes DAILY > 0 MSUS (unavailable) Location Not limited
  COMPUTER EXECUTED Yes DAILY > 0 MSUS (unavailable) Asset - must be a computer Not limited
  LPAR EXECUTED Yes DAILY > 0 MSUS (unavailable) Asset - must be a partition Not limited
Generic Subcapacity (MIPS) ENTERPRISE LICENSED or INSTALLED Yes DAILY > 0 MIPS Provider name (unavailable) (unavailable)
  SITE LICENSED or INSTALLED Yes DAILY > 0 MIPS Provider name Location Not limited
  COMPUTER LICENSED or INSTALLED Yes DAILY > 0 MIPS Provider name Asset - must be a computer Not limited
  LPAR LICENSED or INSTALLED Yes DAILY > 0 MIPS Provider name Asset - must be a partition Not limited
  ENTERPRISE EXECUTED Yes DAILY > 0 MIPS Provider name (unavailable) (unavailable)
  SITE EXECUTED Yes DAILY > 0 MIPS Provider name Location Not limited
  COMPUTER EXECUTED Yes DAILY > 0 MIPS Provider name Asset - must be a computer Not limited
  LPAR EXECUTED Yes DAILY > 0 MIPS Provider name Asset - must be a partition Not limited

ICA license types on mainframe platforms

Use the following table when creating an ICA license type and your platform selection is MAINFRAME. Locate your license type in the table and make sure that the subsequent values that you supply in the Licenses application for Type, Scope, License Term, Subcapacity, License Charge Period, Capacity, and Capacity Unit are valid for your license type. To be valid, all your field entries in the Licenses application must be consistent with one of the rows in the table.
Table 2. Valid field values for ICA license types on mainframe platforms
License Type Scope License Term Sub- capacity License Charge Period Capacity Capacity Unit Object Type

License Allocations


License Allocations

FWLC COMPUTER LICENSED No DAILY (leave empty) (leave empty) Asset - must be a computer 1 N/A
GOLC COMPUTER LICENSED No DAILY (leave empty) (leave empty) Asset - must be a computer 1 N/A
zELC COMPUTER LICENSED No DAILY (leave empty) (leave empty) Asset - must be a computer 1 N/A
VWLC Subcapacity COMPUTER LICENSED Yes MONTHLY > 0 MSU Asset - must be a computer 1 No
(VWLC Subcapacity aggregation license1) COMPUTER LICENSED Yes MONTHLY > 0 MSU Asset - must be a computer >= 1 Yes
(VWLC Subcapacity registration license1) COMPUTER LICENSED Yes MONTHLY 0 MSU Asset - must be a computer 1 Yes
EWLC Full Capacity COMPUTER LICENSED No DAILY > 0 MSU Asset - must be a computer 1 N/A
EWLC Subcapacity COMPUTER LICENSED Yes MONTHLY > 0 MSU Asset - must be a computer 1 N/A
TWLC COMPUTER LICENSED No DAILY > 0 MSU Asset - must be a computer 1 N/A
PSLC COMPUTER LICENSED No DAILY > 0 MSU Asset - must be a computer 1 Yes or No
NALC Full Capacity COMPUTER LICENSED No DAILY > 0 MSU Asset - must be a computer 1 N/A
NALC Subcapacity COMPUTER LICENSED Yes MONTHLY > 0 MSU Asset - must be a computer 1 N/A
SALC COMPUTER EXECUTED No DAILY > 0 MSU Asset - must be a computer 1 N/A
ULC COMPUTER EXECUTED No DAILY > 0 MSU Asset - must be a computer 1 N/A
Note: Registration/Aggregation licenses. For each Qualified Parallel Sysplex® (QPS) and each licensed product on (any machine within) that QPS, IBM® uses one license as an aggregation license. This is the one license that receives all usage for that product version within that QPS. The other (if any) licenses for the same product version are called (no-charge) registration licenses and receive a usage value of 0. The billing is done only against the aggregation license.

While the customer cannot tell IBM which particular instance should be the aggregation license, the information is available to the customer.

Aggregation machines. For historical reasons, the aggregation is done slightly differently for Parallel Sysplex License Charges (PSLC) and Workload License Charges (WLC) QPSs. For PSLC, where there is no support for subcapacity pricing or Sub-Capacity Reporting Tool (SCRT) reports, the aggregation is simply done as described previously.

For a WLC QPS, the aggregation is somewhat more complex. IBM designates all licenses for all the machines in the QPS as registration licenses. In addition, IBM adds a pseudo-machine to the QPS, called an aggregation machine, and creates aggregation licenses for this machine, for each product that has at least one registration license within the QPS. Usage aggregation and billing is then done against this aggregation machine.

IPLA license types on mainframe platforms

Use the following table when creating an IPLA license type and your platform selection is MAINFRAME. Locate your license type in the table and make sure that the subsequent values that you supply in the Licenses application for Type, Scope, License Term, Subcapacity, License Charge Period, Capacity, and Capacity Unit are valid for your license type. To be valid, all your field entries in the Licenses application must be consistent with one of the rows in the table.
Table 3. Valid field values for IPLA license types on mainframe platforms
License Type Scope License Term Sub- capacity License Charge Period Capacity Capacity Unit

License Allocations

Object Type

License Allocations

IPLA Full Capacity ENTERPRISE INSTALLED No DAILY > 0 MSU (unavailable) (unavailable)
IPLA Execution-Based Full Capacity ENTERPRISE EXECUTED No DAILY > 0 MSU (unavailable) (unavailable)
IPLA Execution-Based Subcapacity1 COMPUTER EXECUTED Yes MONTHLY > 0 MSU Asset - must be a computer > 0
IPLA z/OS-based Full Capacity ENTERPRISE EXECUTED No DAILY > 0 MSU (unavailable) (unavailable)
IPLA z/OS-based Subcapacity1 COMPUTER EXECUTED Yes MONTHLY > 0 MSU Asset - must be a computer > 0
IPLA Reference-based Full Capacity ENTERPRISE EXECUTED No DAILY > 0 MSU (unavailable) (unavailable)
IPLA Reference-based Subcapacity1 COMPUTER EXECUTED Yes MONTHLY > 0 MSU Asset - must be a computer > 0
Note: The recommended scope for subcapacity licenses is COMPUTER.

Generic license types on distributed platforms

Use the following table when creating a generic license type and your platform selection is DISTRIBUTED. Locate your license type in the table and make sure that the subsequent values that you supply in the Licenses application for Type, Scope, License Term, Subcapacity, License Charge Period, Capacity, and Capacity Unit are valid for your license type. To be valid, all your field entries in the Licenses application must be consistent with one of the rows in the table.
Table 4. Valid field values for generic license types on distributed platforms
License Type Scope License Term Sub- capacity License Charge Period Capacity Capacity Unit

License Allocations

Object Type

License Allocations

Seat/Installed Instance ENTERPRISE INSTALLED No DAILY > 0 INSTINST (unavailable) (unavailable)
  COMPUTER INSTALLED No DAILY > 0 INSTINST Asset - must be a computer > 0
  LPAR INSTALLED No DAILY > 0 INSTINST Asset - must be a partition > 0
  USER1 INSTALLED No DAILY > 0 INSTINST Application Users > 0
Generic OEM COMPUTER INSTALLED No DAILY 1 INSTINST Asset - must be a computer 1
Concurrent User ENTERPRISE EXECUTED No DAILY > 0 CONCUSER (unavailable) (unavailable)
  COMPUTER EXECUTED No DAILY > 0 CONCUSER Asset - must be a computer > 0
Floating User ENTERPRISE EXECUTED No DAILY > 0 FLOATUSER (unavailable) (unavailable)
  COMPUTER EXECUTED No DAILY > 0 FLOATUSER Asset - must be a computer > 0
Authorized User ENTERPRISE EXECUTED No DAILY > 0 AUTHOUSER Application Users > 0
Processor Core Count - Full capacity ENTERPRISE INSTALLED or EXECUTED No DAILY > 0 PROCCORE (unavailable) (unavailable)
  COMPUTER INSTALLED or EXECUTED No DAILY > 0 PROCCORE Asset - must be a computer > 0
  LPAR INSTALLED or EXECUTED No DAILY > 0 PROCCORE Asset - must be a partition > 0
Processor Core Count - Subcapacity ENTERPRISE INSTALLED or EXECUTED Yes DAILY > 0 PROCCORE (unavailable) (unavailable)
  COMPUTER INSTALLED or EXECUTED Yes DAILY > 0 PROCCORE Asset - must be a computer > 0
  LPAR INSTALLED or EXECUTED Yes DAILY > 0 PROCCORE Asset - must be a partition > 0
Processor Count - Full capacity ENTERPRISE INSTALLED or EXECUTED No DAILY > 0 PROCCORE (unavailable) (unavailable)
  COMPUTER INSTALLED or EXECUTED No DAILY > 0 PROCCORE Asset - must be a computer > 0
  LPAR INSTALLED or EXECUTED No DAILY > 0 PROCCORE Asset - must be a partition > 0
Processor Count - Subcapacity ENTERPRISE INSTALLED or EXECUTED Yes DAILY > 0 PROCCORE (unavailable) (unavailable)
  COMPUTER INSTALLED or EXECUTED Yes DAILY > 0 PROCCORE Asset - must be a computer > 0
  LPAR INSTALLED or EXECUTED Yes DAILY > 0 PROCCORE Asset - must be a partition > 0
Note: If the software is licensed to a named user or users, use the USER scope to track it.

IPLA license types on distributed platforms

Use the following table when creating an IPLA license type and your platform selection is DISTRIBUTED. Locate your license type in the table and make sure that the subsequent values that you supply in the Licenses application for Type, Scope, License Term, Subcapacity, License Charge Period, Capacity, and Capacity Unit are valid for your license type. To be valid, all your field entries in the Licenses application must be consistent with one of the rows in the table.
Table 5. Valid field values for IPLA license types on distributed platforms
License Type Scope License Term Sub- capacity License Charge Period Capacity Capacity Unit

License Allocations

Object Type

License Allocations

Installed Instance ENTERPRISE INSTALLED No DAILY > 0 INSTINST (unavailable) (unavailable)
Usage Concurrent User ENTERPRISE EXECUTED No DAILY > 0 CONCUSER (unavailable) (unavailable)
Usage Concurrent Session ENTERPRISE EXECUTED No DAILY > 0 CONSESSION (unavailable) (unavailable)
Usage Concurrent Nodelock ENTERPRISE EXECUTED No DAILY > 0 CONNODELOCK (unavailable) (unavailable)
IPLA Full Capacity ENTERPRISE EXECUTED No DAILY > 0 PROCCORE (unavailable) (unavailable)
IPLA Subcapacity ENTERPRISE EXECUTED Yes DAILY > 0 PROCCORE (unavailable) (unavailable)
Install IPLA Full Capacity ENTERPRISE INSTALLED No DAILY > 0 PROCCORE (unavailable) (unavailable)
Install IPLA Subcapacity ENTERPRISE INSTALLED Yes DAILY > 0 PROCCORE (unavailable) (unavailable)
IPLA Value Unit Full Capacity ENTERPRISE EXECUTED No DAILY > 0 VALUNITS (unavailable) (unavailable)
IPLA Value Unit Subcapacity ENTERPRISE EXECUTED Yes DAILY > 0 VALUNITS (unavailable) (unavailable)
Install IPLA Value Unit Full Capacity ENTERPRISE INSTALLED No DAILY > 0 VALUNITS (unavailable) (unavailable)
Install IPLA Value Unit Subcapacity ENTERPRISE INSTALLED Yes DAILY > 0 VALUNITS (unavailable) (unavailable)
Resource Value Unit ENTEPRISE EXECUTED No DAILY > 0 RVU (unavailable) (unavailable)