Known limitations, problems, and workarounds

This section provides solutions for problems that you might encounter while using best practices content for Service Desk.

Problem Solution
After you install the best practices content and log on to Maximo IT using one of the administrator user IDs and passwords (PMUSRADMUSR, PMINCADMUSR, or PMPRBADMUSR), the following message is displayed when you try to create a new service request, incident, or problem:

Cannot insert/update a record without a default insert site

You must configure the default site and storeroom values for the administrative user in order to create tickets. To configure these default values, perform the following steps:
  1. Select Security > Users from Open menu
  2. In the User column, search for and click the administrator user ID (PMUSRADMUSR, PMINCADMUSR, or PMPRBADMUSR) to display values for this user.
  3. In the User Settings section, click Select Value for the Default Insert Site field, and select the default insert site from the popup dialog. The dialog closes, and the Default Insert Site field is populated with the value you selected.
  4. Click Select Value for the Default Storeroom field, and select a default storeroom from the popup dialog. The Default Storeroom field is populated with the selected value.
  5. Click the Save User icon to save your new values.
You want to modify or delete one or more queries provided by the best practices content but are not able to do so.

You must be logged in under one of the following administrator user IDs to modify or delete the queries that are included with the best practices content: PMUSRADMUSR for Service Request queries, PMINCADMUSR for Incident queries, or PMPRBADMUSR for Problem queries.

Complete the following steps to modify or delete a query:

  1. On the List tab of the ticket application, select View/Manage Queries from the Save Query dropdown menu.

    The View/Manage dialog box displays a list of queries that you modify or delete.

  2. You can edit the Description, Default? or Public? fields.

    If you want to edit the SQL WHERE clause, click the twistie icon next to the name of the query. The SQL WHERE clause is displayed in the details section of the dialog box.

  3. To mark a query for deletion, click the trash icon at the end of the row.
  4. Click OK to save your changes and close the dialog. Any queries that you marked for deletion are deleted.