Release costs
The View Release Costs action in Software Contracts displays the release costs associated with a volume contract.
This window shows a summary of all planned and committed costs against a maximum volume contract. You seecost information and a list of all release purchase orders against the contract and their total cost. All costs display in the default currency for the contract. The fields in the window are calculated at the time they are displayed.
The following information about release costs is displayed:
- Total Cost
- The total contract cost is the maximum cost for all releases against the contract. If there is no value here, there can be an unlimited number of releases against this contract.
- Number of Uncommitted Releases
- Uncommitted releases include all release purchase orders that are have WAPPR (waiting for approval) status.
- Number of Committed Releases
- Committed releases include all release purchase orders against this contract that are in a status of APPR or CLOSED.
- Uncommitted Cost
- The total cost of all release purchase orders in a status of WAPPR.
- Committed Cost
- This value is always the sum of the amount on order, the amount received and the invoice variance.
- Amount on Order
- This value is the sum of all release purchase orders with a status of APPR where Receipts Complete field is N.
- Amount Received
- The total cost of completed purchase order lines receipts.
- Amount Remaining
- This value is always the sum of the Total Cost minus the Committed Costs.
- Invoice Variance
- This value is the sum of all material receipt transactions and service receipt transactions invoice records for all receipt lines from release purchase orders not in a status of CANCEL for this contract.