Manual UI modification
Designing OSLC interactions between applications requires multiple user interface (UI)
changes in the consumer application. Several scenarios might lead you to use the Application
Designer application to make or refine UI changes as part of the integration.
Manual implementation of UI changes and security for interactions
If you choose to not have the wizard auto-generate user interface (UI) changes in the consumer application, you must modify the UI yourself. The user interface must make the interaction available to users through a push button. If you do not select security groups in the wizard, you must specify the security groups that have access to the interaction.
User interface refinements
You might want to make refinements or additions to the consumer application user interface (UI) even when the UI changes are auto-generated.
Translation of untranslated UI elements
You use the Application Designer application to modify and translate some user interface (UI) elements, such as tooltips for icons, that are added by the interaction design.