Creating interaction groups
You can use interaction groups to collate multiple query interactions under a single user interface control, such as a button. These query interactions can be for a single provider or multiple providers.
Before you begin
Before you can create an interaction group, you must create one or more query interactions.
About this task
Each query interaction in the group is executed and returns data to the user based on its conditions. If a query interaction contains a condition that is based on the current application data, the interaction group uses that data to execute only the appropriate queries. The query results from multiple queries are combined and displayed in the resulting view.
To create an OSLC interaction, you must be in the base language. You can also create an interaction group in the query interaction wizard.
- In the OSLC Providers application, select the Add/Modify Interaction Groups action.
- Add a new row, and specify a name for the interaction group and the main object that you want to associate with the group.
- Optional: If you want to associate the interaction group with multiple providers, select the Support the Combined View of Multiple Providers check box.
- On the Interactions tab, specify
at least one interaction to be run as part of the group. The interactions that are available for selection are based on the main object that is specified for the interaction groups.
- On the Applications tab, specify the application to which you want to add the interaction group.
- Optional: If the main object for the interaction
group is not a main object for the application that is specified,
you must specify a relationship. If a relationship does not exist between the application and the main object that you specified for the interaction group, you must create or modify a relationship on the Relationships tab in the Database Configuration application.
- Specify a label for a button, a Detail Menu item, or both depending on where you want the interaction to be available from in the consumer application.
- On the Security Groups tab, select the security group that applies to the application and interaction group.
- To add an interaction group to a Detail Menu item, select
the Application Menu tab, specify the location
in the consumer application where the group is to be added, click OK,
and save the group. The existing fields in the consumer application are shown in the Select Detail Menu dialog box.