Modifying workflow processes
To modify a process after it has been enabled and locked,
you must create a revision of the process. A revision of the process
is required because other records might be under the control of this
Creating a process revision
If you want to modify a process after it is enabled and locked, you must create a revision of the process.
Synchronizing active workflow processes
A workflow process can include one or more subprocesses. When you modify a subprocess, you must update the main process so that it uses the revised subprocess. This process is known as synchronization.
Viewing synchronized processes
You use the Workflow Designer application to view the name and the revision number of each subprocess associated with a main workflow process.
Adding workflow support to applications
Workflow actions or buttons are not included with any of the applications when you install them. In the Workflow Designer application, you can add the workflow actions and buttons to an application without activating a process. For example, you can make the actions and buttons visible for user training. You can also create customized toolbar buttons before activating a process.
Deleting workflow processes
You can delete workflow process records if they are not needed.
Exporting and importing workflow processes