The Navigator is the interface where self-service users can browse for solutions, request a new service, report an issue, or see the most frequently submitted types of requests for all users.
- Home icon – click to return to the Self Service Center homepage.
- Create a new Service Request icon – click to create a new service request to report an issue or request something.
- Shopping Cart icon – click to launch the Self Service Shopping Cart dialog to view/change the contents of your shopping cart and submit the cart.
- Cart Templates icon – click to launch the Cart Templates dialog, which allows you to manage your templates. Depending upon your signature options, from this dialog you can view, delete, or create a copy of a cart template.
- Search Bar – You can search for Solutions, Offerings and Quick Inserts using the Search
bar in the Navigator. The search works in the same way as Maximo IT Search application. Note: The search engine only returns the first 500 results.
- Browse Solutions icon – click to view all active solutions.
- Request a New Service icon – click to view the Offerings and Quick Inserts you use to acquire a new asset or service.
- Report an Issue icon – click to find a Service Desk type offering or to report an issue.
- Frequent Requests icon – click to view the Offerings and Quick Inserts that are most frequently requested by all system users and the logged-in user, as well as any requests added to favorites by the user.
- My Resources icon – click to view the company resources that you currently own. This feature is available in Maximo IT. The feature is not enabled in the user interface by default.
For Offerings, Quick Inserts, and Solutions, the order in which they appear in the Navigator is based on their Catalog taxonomy classification.
You can maximize the Navigator by clicking the Maximize icon. For example, you might want to maximize the Navigator to view a large list of offerings. Maximizing the Navigator hides the pods. Click Maximize again to restore the original view.
Each item in the Navigator is represented by a folder. The Navigator view is based on the logged in user's access to applications and actions.
Different icons are used to distinguish Offerings and Quick Inserts on the Navigator display. Quick Inserts are ticket templates that are created in the Ticket Templates application. When the user clicks on one of the entries, the corresponding dialog for that application appears (for example, Offerings dialog for Offerings or Create a Service Request dialog for Quick Inserts).