Process nodes

A node is a graphical element that represents a point in your business process. Nodes are added at specific business process junctures to denote the entry of a record into the business process.

You can drag and drop nodes from the palette onto the canvas. You can add any number of nodes to a process. If a process exceeds 50 – 100 nodes, consider breaking the process into subprocesses to simplify management and maintenance.

As you drag and drop each node onto the canvas, a name and a number are assigned to the node. The node name describes the type of node. The number indicates the order in which the node was added to the canvas. You can modify the name of a node when you configure the node properties.

Whenever possible, give nodes user-friendly labels. You can view node titles in the workflow map.

All nodes have properties, except for the start node and for the stop node. You configure nodes by modifying the properties to match your business requirements. You specify properties for a node in the Properties window for the node. Each node must be configured individually. You can configure nodes at any point while you build a process, but as a best practice, configure nodes as you add them to the canvas.

The Workflow Designer application includes the types of nodes that can represent various points in your business process. See Connection lines topicfor more information on the types of nodes included and rules for connection lines.