Ad hoc report administration
You can specify which users can create and run ad hoc reports and define the types of analysis that users can perform.
Ad hoc report permissions
Too many ad hoc reports can drain database and application server resources. Therefore, to avoid unnecessary reports, you must carefully manage which security groups can create and run ad hoc reports. You enable security groups to run ad hoc reports or create ad hoc reports, or both, for each application. In the Security Groups application, select a security group, and in the Applications tab, specify an application, and select Run Reports and Create Reports.
Calculation expressions
You can enable calculation expressions in ad hoc reports for each application so that users can perform deeper analysis of data. You enable calculation expressions for each security group. In the Security Groups application, select a security group, and in the Applications tab, specify an application, and enable the calculate tab on ad hoc reports.
Summary expressions
You can enable summary expressions in ad hoc reports for each application so that users can create aggregate functions on fields to simplify their analysis. You enable summary expressions for each security group. In the Security Groups application, select a security group, and in the Applications tab, specify an application, and enable the summarize tab on ad hoc reports.
Ad hoc report expression library
You define an expression library for users to select from when they create ad hoc reports. By defining an expression library, you can ensure that when users create calculation expressions, they can select only SQL expression values that are permitted by the organization. Only specific report administrators must define the expression library. To define the expression library, the ad hoc expression library must be enabled for the report administrator's security group. In the Security Groups application, select the report administrator's security group, and enable the ad hoc expression library. In the Report Administration application, select the Define Ad Hoc Reporting Library action, and define the expression keywords that users are permitted to use.