What's new in Maximo Visual Inspection Edge 8.6

Learn more about what's new and changed in Maximo Visual Inspection Edge 8.6.

Custom pipelines

Custom pipelines tailor how a model processes your images and how the resulting outputs are populated in your data set. Choose from the seven default custom pipelines or use them as a template to create your own custom pipelines.

Visual triggers

Visual triggers start inspections when an object in a frame is identified. You can define a region of interest and select objects for detection in image results. The region of interest changes position so that it remains relative to an image size. You can also enable rules to pass or fail a visual trigger. This feature is in addition to the single-shot and time-based triggers and can also be configured with a custom pipeline.

Composite models

Composite models conduct inspections in a specified sequence of steps by using your deployed object detection and image classification models. The inspection results that are indicated can also be configured.

Detectron2 model support

Detectron2 models replaced Detectron models and are supported for local deployment and inspections in Maximo Visual Inspection Edge.