Instructions are provided to enable the feature that triggers an inspection when an object comes into the camera frame and is identified.
Before you begin
Make sure that Handheld Mode is turned off in Global
Settings. See Setting up.
Create an inspection by clicking "+" in the Inspections pane.
Specify a Project, Model, and Data Set.
Note: The model type can be Tiny YOLO v2 or YOLO v3, although YOLO v3 consumes high CPU cycles. If
you select a Tiny YOLO v2 model, be sure to set a low Frame Rate Throttle, which is set in
Configure Device > App Settings.
On the Model screen, click Set Thresholds.
On the Set Thresholds screen, select the label that you want to detect
while using Visual Trigger, then click Advanced.
On the Advanced screen, click Additional
Select Inspect When Label Detected.
Note: When this option is selected, Auto-Capture mode opens in streaming video mode at the frames
per second that you define in .
Click Back to return to the Advanced
Click Frames to Consider and set the rolling consideration window for
Visual Trigger.
Click Frames Label Must Be Present and set the number of frames within
the consideration window where the label must be present. This value represents label’s specified
confidence level. The inspection runs when this threshold is met.
Note: This value is affected by the Frame Rate Throttle setting, in Configure
Device > App Settings. If you change Frame Rate
Throttle, you might need to readjust the value in this step.
Click Frames Without Label To Reset and set the number of frames where
the label must not be present after the inspection is run before the inspection is run again.
Note: This value is affected by the Frame Rate Throttle setting, in . If you change Frame Rate Throttle, you might need to readjust
the value in this step.
- Optional:
For another label in the same inspection, specify that label as an Obstruction for Label
Detection on the Additional Rules screen.
Click Back until you are back at the main edit screen, then click
Click the icon to open the Configure Device screen.
Click Auto Capture.
In the Visual Trigger category, click Select Inspection and
select the inspection to use for Visual Trigger
- Optional:
Toggle Pass video frame to inspection on so that the app uses the frame
for auto capture mode as the image when triggering the inspection, instead of taking a new
Click Save to save your Auto Capture settings.
Click Close to return to the home screen.
On the home screen, click the camera icon.
Click the Start Auto-Capture button.
What to do next
If an inspection is specified in Visual Trigger in the Auto-Capture settings, the app automatically uses video streaming mode and lists the objects that are detected by Visual Trigger. The app also lists the following states:
- "Waiting" for an object.
- "Resetting" if it is waiting for an object to leave the frame.
- "Obstructed" if an obstruction label was specified and an object is fully obstructed.