Creating a drop-down list for the Reason for Change field

When electronic signatures are required, users must enter a reason for changing a record. Administrators can configure the Reason For Change field to provide a list of options to choose from.

About this task

By default, the Reason For Change field in the Electronic Signature Authentication window is a free-form text field where users can enter up to 50 characters to describe the reason for a change. Administrators can configure the field to require users to choose from a defined value list by adding values to the CHANGEREASON domain.
Note: You do not assign this value list to a database object and attribute. The connection to the database for this value list is already present.


  1. In the Domains application, open the CHANGEREASON domain.
  2. Click Edit Detail.
  3. In the ALN Domain window, click New Row.
  4. In the Value field and Description field, specify values for the CHANGEREASON domain.
    The following conditions apply to this value list:
    • These values are not written to the database.
    • The value in the Description field is what users see when they use the list.

    For example, you want users to see a value list that contains only Changed the record and Deleted the record. In the Value field and Description field, enter the following information:

    Value field Description field
    CHANGE Changed the record
    DELETE Deleted the record
  5. Click OK.