User processing by the integration framework

User and user group data that is synchronized from Maximo® Application Suite is processed by enterprise services of the integration framework in Maximo Manage.

Processing of user messages

To process messages about users, the following integration framework components are used:
  • MASPERUSER enterprise service
  • MASPERUSER object structure
  • MASSYNC external system
Each synchronization processes one user and adds or updates the following objects in Maximo Manage:
A sample inbound integration message for users is shown in the masuser.json file.

Processing of group messages

To process messages about groups, the following integration framework components are used:
  • MASGROUP enterprise service
  • MASGROUP object structure
  • MASSYNC external system
Each synchronization adds or updates the following objects in Maximo Manage:

Synchronization details and a sample inbound integration message for groups is shown in the masgroup.json file.