Creating a start center template

To create a Start Center, you create a template that specifies the column layout, information portlets, and name for the Start Center.

About this task

You must have system privileges to create a template for your Start Center.


  1. At the top of the Start Center page, click New Template.
  2. Select the column layout for the Start Center page.
    Option Description
    Equal Width Divides the page into two equal columns
    Narrow-Wide Places a narrow column on the left and a wide column on the right
    Wide-Narrow Places a wide column on the left and a narrow column on the right
  3. In the Description field, type the name that you want to appear on the tab for this Start Center.
  4. Select the portlets that you want to appear in the left and right columns of the Start Center, as follows:
    1. In the section for the column (left or right) to which you want to add portlets, click Select Content.
    2. In the Available Portlets window, select the check box beside the portlets that you want to add. Although you can add portlets to either column, use the Suggested Format information as guidance.
    3. Click OK.
  5. Click Finished. You are returned to the Start Center where the template is added as a tab at the top of the page.
  6. Select the new template tab.
  7. Save the new template, delete it, or cancel any changes you made to it. When you save the template, it possibly can disappear from your Start Center. This behavior is determined by the group the new template is assigned to.

What to do next

When the new Start Center page opens, the portlets are shown in the appropriate column but with no content. Click the Edit Portlet icon in the new portlet to specify content for it.