Example: Specifying security access for inventory clerks

You can create security groups that grant different types of security access to features in the Manage Inventory Work Center. Typically, inventory clerks are granted security access to several features on each page of the Work Center.

Before you begin

Review information in the topic Authorizations for security groups that explains the security authorization levels more completely. It also provides information about more granular security permissions that you can configure.

About this task

Security groups for Work Centers need to have authorizations to object structures and menu features that are used by the Work Centers. The Security Groups application includes templates for all Work Centers to help you create role-based security groups more easily. Typically, you provide an inventory clerk with fewer authorizations than you provide to a manager or planner, so you clear check boxes to remove authorizations that are granted by the template.


  1. In the Security Groups application, add a group. Specify the Manage Inventory Work Center as the default application to open when the user logs in. Save the record.
  2. On the Sites tab, specify the sites that the group can access or authorize access to all sites and save the record.
  3. On the Applications tab, filter the list by selecting the Work Center application type, and then select Manage Inventory. In the Options for Manage Inventory section, grant access to the Inventory Management app and save the record.
  4. Select Manage/Apply Template to access the Inventory security template.
  5. Duplicate the template and select the new copy. Maximize the Security Template Authorizations section.
    You can review all authorizations that the template provides by maximizing the Security Template Authorizations section and selecting each tab.
  6. On the Object Structures Authorizations tab, select an object structure name and modify authorizations that are granted by the original template.
    Tip: If you want to grant any access to an object structure, you must grant Read access. If you grant Edit access to an object, you must grant Save access. If you grant Insert access, users also have Save access.

    For this role, you clear all but the following authorizations:

    • Grant all of the accesses to the MXAPIITEM object structure.
    • Grant all of the accesses to the MXAPIINVENTORY object structure. With Delete access, users can set the status of an inventory item to Obsolete.
    • Grant all of the accesses to the MXAPIINVRES object structure. Ensure that you granted Insert and Save access to MXAPIINVENTORY and the required access in the application or Work Center where the reservation originates.
    • Grant the following accesses to the MXAPIINVISSUE object structure:
      • Grant Insert and Save access to this object and ensure that you granted Insert and Save access to MXAPIINVENTORY.
      • Grant Return issued items access to this object.
  7. Save the new template and apply the new template to this group.
  8. Optional: If this security group needs access to object structures that are not contained in the template, select the Object Structures tab and grant access to other object structures.
  9. Select the storerooms that the group can access and any GL segments that they can modify.
    You also can specify limits to spending and approvals, objects and attributes, and collections.
  10. Add users to the group and save the record.

What to do next

Open the Work Center as a member of the group and test that you can see and work with the correct features.