Work zones

You can divide a geographic area into smaller work zones and reduce travel time between work orders. Work is then assigned to resources based on the work zones that they are associated with.

You create a work zone in the Work Zone application. You choose a work zone type for the work zone, for example, WATER, to indicate the utility category for that zone. You can then assign specific labor resources, crews, assets, and locations to that work zone, ensuring that all work that must be completed in that area is assigned appropriately. A specific geographic location can be in multiple work zones. Depending on the type of work that is required, different resources are assigned the work.

For example, a city block might be in electrical work zone A, but in water zone 3, and sewer zone SEW1. Electrical crew EL1 might respond to electrical outages, while water crew W46 responds to water maintenance needs.

You can assign crews and labor to specific work zones, so that they are assigned work that occurs in that zone. You can assign a crew or labor record can be assigned to multiple work zones, but each record has only one default work zone.