You can define associations between actual configuration
item (CI) classifications and authorized CI classifications. When
you map associations, you create an authorized CI record from an actual
CI record.
Before you begin
The classification must be at the top level of the hierarchy.
You define the top level for a classification when you create the
Additionally, in the Use With window,
the applications must include configuration items.
About this task
For each actual CI classification hierarchy that you use
to import actual configuration items, you can create one or more authorized
classification hierarchies.
For each of the authorized CI hierarchies,
you use the Manage CI Hierarchies window to map
the links between authorized and actual classifications. Mapping includes
the parent-child classification levels. At each level of the classification,
you can also specify the relationships between source classifications
and target classifications.
- From the List tab of the Classifications
application, select the CI classification hierarchy that you want
to manage.
- Select the Manage CI Hierarchies action.
- In the Actual CI Classification field
in the Manage CI Hierarchies window, click Detail
Menu and select Classify to select
an actual classification.
- In the Children window, select a row.
- In the Actual CI Classification field,
specify the actual CI classification that you want to associate with
the authorized child classification.
- Click Detail Menu and select Classify to
select a classification.
- In the Relationships window, specify
the relationships that you want to define for the selected child classification.
To add a relationship, perform the following steps:
- Click New Row.
- Specify the source and target classifications, the relationship,
and other information.
- Click Select Relation Rules to
select from a list of relationship rules.
- Optional: Repeat steps 4, 5, and 6 to map actual
classifications to other child authorized classifications.
- Click OK.
After you map the classifications, you use them in the Actual
Configuration Items application to create configuration items from
actual configuration items. When you define mappings between authorized
and actual configuration items, you can create many configuration
item records at the same time. You link entire or partial hierarchies
instead of individual configuration items. You create records for
the child classifications and for the top-level classification.