Quick filter

You can use the Quick Filter field to locate records in your schedule or work list.

Type text in the Quick Filter field and press Enter. Work rows that contain the text that you specified in any column are shown. Parent records are included if tasks meet the search criteria. Tasks are always shown in the context of their parent.

You can use the following advanced techniques to further filter data:

Table 1. Quick filter searches
Search type Example of returned records Example of search terms
And search Approved work records for asset 14300 APPR 14300
Exact phrase search (use quotes) Work records for reciprocating pumps "reciprocating pump"
Or search Work records for pumps or for location BR410 Pump OR BR410
Exclusion search (use minus sign) All work records that are not related to asset 14300 -14300
Search within a specific column Work records that have Kelly Hose Maintenance in the Description column Description=Kelly Hose Maintenance
Greater than (>), less than (<) Tasks that have task numbers that are higher than 50 Task > 50
And search with mathematical search (&&) Tasks that have task numbers that are less than 80 and that have a priority that is greater than 6 Task < 80 && Priority > 6