Graphical view customization
You can modify the default values of system properties to determine what information appears in the graphical view. The properties are located in the System Properties application.
Changing property values
- skd
- map
- lbs
Displaying shift colors
You can enable shifts to display in certain colors in the System properties application. Use the skd.shift.enable.colors system property to display shifts by color in the graphical view. Choose the colors in which the shifts display in the skd.shift.colors property.
Modifying drag increment settings
In the Graphical Scheduling and Graphical Assignment applications, when you drag a work record in the graphical view, it moves in 15 minute increments. You can change the increment by modifying the skd.gantt.view.snap_to_interval_mins property in the System Properties application. If you want to plan and schedule in more precise detail, make the setting smaller.
Modifying column sorting settings
In the repair facilities and Asset/Location Graphical Scheduling applications, you can sort up to three columns of data in the graphical view . You can change the number of columns you can sort by modifying the skd.max.sort.columns property in the System Properties application.
Modifying the work action menu order
System administrators can change the order in which the right-click menu for work record actions display by updating the Maximo® database. Using any database tool, update the MENUORDER column in the SKDACTION table. You must restart the Maximo server for changes to take effect.Modifying resource availability display options
You can choose to consider person/crew modified availability when calculating hourly totals by modifying the mxe.skd.resourceavail property in the System Properties application.
You can remove modified availability from the sum of the Hours-based view and the Resource & Availability tab calculations. In the System Properties application, change the value of the mxe.skd.resourcesummedview property to 0. The default value is 1, which shows the modified availability.
Modifying work record display options
The mxe.skd.availabilitydaterange property determines the length of time that asset availability displays for in the Other Resources window. By default, it is set to display for 7 days past the end of the work order start date. It can be modified in the System Properties application.
You can choose to mark work records without dates as modified once they are scheduled in the Graphical Scheduling application by modifying the mxe.skd.setactivitymodified property in the System Properties application.
Modifying notification options
You can turn off notifications from the emergency work crontask if no emergent work is found by modifying the mxe.skd.setsendemailfornoemwo property in the System Properties application.
Modifying performance options
You can set the number of changed rows that initiate a background commit to the database by modifying the mxe.skd.changecount property in the System Properties application.
You can limit the number of work list records that tables can populate at once by modifying the mxe.skd.populatecount property in the System Properties application.
Modifying colors
You can modify the default color settings in the graphical view by using the System Properties application. Search the System Properties application for properties that are related to the graphical view by using the following prefixes:
- skd
- map
- lbs
For more information on colors in the graphical view, see the Maximo Asset Management Scheduler Community. You will need to join the community in order to view content. This process can take several minutes.
Modifying colors for resource availability
Modifications to resource availability display in the graphical view in different colors, depending on the reason. You can modify the default color settings, or add additional reason codes.
Modify existing reason codes using the following system properties:System property | Reason code | Default color code |
skd.modavail.color.EXTRATIME | Extra time | #b0ecde |
skd.modavail.color.MEET | Meeting | #79e5b2 |
skd.modavail.color.PERS | Personal time | #eae8c6 |
skd.modavail.color.SICK | Sick time | #311151 |
skd.modavail.color.TRAIN | Training | #dfc78e |
skd.modavail.color.VAC | Vacation time | #8c769f |
You can also add additional reason codes to account for different types of modified availability in the Domains application. Search for the RSNCODE domain and additional codes as necessary.
Defining colors for synonym statuses
If your organization uses synonyms for work record statuses, you can define specific color settings for the synonyms in the System Properties application. Add a new system property in the System Properties application using the syntax: skd.syn.<OBJECTNAME>.<STATUS>.background and enter a hexadecimal color code in the Global Value field.
For example, you have a synonym for approved work orders called APPR_S1.
- In the System Properties application, enter a new system property called: skd.syn.workorder.APPR_S1.background.
- In the Global Value field, enter the hexadecimal color code for the color you want the work orders to be in the graphical view.
- From the Actions menu, click Live Refresh.