Query validations

You can validate the queries that your schedules and work lists use and troubleshoot the results.

Validations can be run on the following query types:
  • Work
  • Asset
  • Location
  • Resources
  • Additional resources
Table 1. Query validations
Field Validation Object/Type Warning/Error Solution
SQL Best Practices Dates in query (schedule dates/target dates) WORKORDER/WOACTIVITY W – Consider using restrict work to dates. Return to the schedule and modify the query.
SQL Best Practices %xxx% All W – %xxx% contains queries that might cause performance issues. Return to the schedule and modify the query.
SQL Best Practices Is task WORKORDER/WOACTIVITY W – Istask is added by Maximo® Asset Manager Scheduler. If it is included in the query, it can affect performance. Return to the schedule and modify the query.
SQL Best Practices History WORKORDER/WOACTIVITY W – History is added by Maximo Asset Manager Scheduler. If it is included in the query, it can affect performance. Return to the schedule and modify the query.
Records Number of work records if using the Graphical Scheduling application and count is greater than 3000 records and less than 5000 records. WORKORDER/WOACTIVITY W – Consider using the Graphical Scheduling-Large Projects application for schedules of this size. In the Graphical Scheduling-Large Projects application, choose the Create Schedule from Graphical Scheduling application action.
Records Number of work records if using the Graphical Scheduling application and count is greater than 5000 records. WORKORDER/WOACTIVITY E – Use the Graphical Scheduling-Large Projects application for a record count of nnnn. In the Graphical Scheduling-Large Projects application, choose the Create Schedule from Graphical Scheduling application action.
Records Number of work records if using the Graphical Assignment or Graphical Work Week application and count is greater than 500 records.



W – Consider breaking the work list into multiple work lists in order to match work and resources. Make changes in the Graphical Assignments or Graphical Work Week application.