Displayed fields
The displayed fields sections of the financial processes topics specify the general ledger field in the user interface, an associated field, or the field that is the source of the general ledger code.
When the value in another field is used as the default source field, the field that contains the default value might be listed as the origin of the source.
The financial processes topics show the information in the following format:
Field name (COLUMNNAME) Source field on source page
field or page
The symbol in the financial processes topics means “comes from” or “defaults to.” When you read
a statement starting on the left of the page, the symbol describes the path that is used to fill the
general ledger field that is named before the first arrow.
For example, the GL Debit Account field on the PR Lines tab:
Debit Account (GLDEBITACCT) GL Control
Account field (not displayed) for storeroom location in
the Inventory application.
- It is the field where a user entered the GL account code or segment, typically in the Chart of Accounts application.
- It is a field in another application and is described in another topic. To trace the GL account code to its entry in the Chart of Accounts application or other source application, see the related topic.
Most fields in applications are associated with a column in a database table. Although some fields are calculated for display on the page (that is, they have no associated database table column where the value is stored), all general ledger fields have associated database table columns. By using the standard page views, you can see some values from the general ledger-related columns in the database table.
However, other general ledger-related fields are not displayed automatically. Although a database column in the table is associated with the application, the data is not displayed in that column unless you make the field visible.
Account code priorities
Some instances exist where the general ledger code in a field can come from more than one potential source field. If general ledger codes are in more than one potential source field, those codes are merged. When these codes merge, there is an order of priority for the multiple sources. This priority exists so that when codes or segments of codes compete, the codes or segments to use are known. The possible sources are listed in order of their priority in the potential merger. Codes or segments from higher-priority (lower number) sources take precedence over codes or segments from lower-priority (higher number) sources.
For example, the GL Account field in the Work Orders application:

- Preventive Maintenance GL Account field
manual entry (no default);
- Asset GL Account field (not displayed)
manual entry (no default);
- Locations GL Account field
manual entry (no default).
The preventive maintenance, asset, and location fields on a work order provide possible links to the preventive maintenance, asset, and operating location records of the GL accounts. For any fields that are filled on the work order record, the corresponding records are checked and the GL accounts are obtained from the fields according to the priorities 1 through 3.
For example, if GL accounts exist for all three, the preventive GL account takes priority over both the asset GL account and the location GL account. If no preventive maintenance record exists (or no preventive maintenance GL account), the GL account of the asset record has next priority. If a preventive maintenance GL account or an asset GL account does not exist, the location GL account is used.
The account inserted into the GL Account field in the Work Orders application can be a combination, or merger, of the three references accounts. If an account with higher priority is only partially defined (for example, 2345-???-???), and an account of lower priority has defined segments where the higher priority does not, the segments from the account with the lower priority complete the undefined segments in the higher priority account.
Intermediate sources of account codes
Several cases of general ledger fields might have one or more intermediate source fields between the online field and its ultimate source. For example, the general ledger fields on a purchase order line come from the purchase requisition line if a purchase requisition exists; otherwise, they come directly from the source. Such possible intermediate sources are in parentheses.
For example, the GL Debit Account field on the inventory transactions report:
Debit Account (GLDEBITACCT) GL Debit
Account field on PO Lines tab
Debit Account field on the PR Lines application)
Control Account field (not displayed) for storeroom location
in the Inventory application